image: simgrid/build-deps pages: script: - pip3 install --requirement docs/requirements.txt - cmake -Denable_model-checking=OFF -Denable_documentation=OFF -Denable_coverage=OFF -Denable_java=OFF -Denable_lua=OFF -Denable_compile_optimizations=OFF -Denable_smpi=OFF . - make -j4 python-bindings - cd docs - LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 ./ - mv build/html ../public - linkchecker build/html artifacts: paths: - public only: - master ctest: script: - cmake -Denable_model-checking=OFF -Denable_documentation=OFF -Denable_coverage=ON -Denable_java=ON -Denable_lua=OFF -Denable_compile_optimizations=ON -Denable_smpi=ON -Denable_smpi_MPICH3_testsuite=ON -Denable_compile_warnings=ON . - make VERBOSE=1 all tests && ctest --output-on-failure release: only: - stable script: - apt update && apt install -y binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu wget unzip zip # Build the linux version of the jarfile without the boost dependency - cmake -Denable_documentation=OFF -Denable_java=ON -Denable_lib_in_jar=ON -Dminimal_java=ON -Denable_compile_optimizations=ON -Denable_smpi=OFF . - make VERBOSE=1 dist simgrid simgrid-java_jar # Get the foreign architectures - wget -O simgrid-windows.jar - export SGVER=`(echo '#include "simgrid/config.h"'; echo SIMGRID_VERSION_MAJOR.SIMGRID_VERSION_MINOR.SIMGRID_VERSION_PATCH)|gcc -E - -Iinclude|tail -1|sed 's/ //g'` - wget,node=simgrid-osx-highsierra/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/SimGrid-${SGVER}/build/simgrid.jar -O simgrid-mac.jar # Open all jar files, and strip them - mkdir content ; cd content - for j in ../simgrid.jar ../simgrid-windows.jar ../simgrid-mac.jar ; do unzip -n $j ; done - strip NATIVE/*/*/*.so - x86_64-linux-gnu-strip NATIVE/*/*/lib*dll - zip -r ../SimGrid-${SGVER}.jar * artifacts: paths: - SimGrid-*.jar - SimGrid-*.tar.gz