#! tesh ! output sort $ java -cp ${classpath:=.} tracing/TracingTest ${srcdir:=.}/platform.xml ${srcdir:=.}/tracing/tracingPingPongDeployment.xml --cfg=tracing:yes --cfg=tracing/filename:simulation.trace --cfg=tracing/platform:yes > [0.000000] [jmsg/INFO] Using regular java threads. Coroutines could speed your simulation up. > [0.000000] [xbt_cfg/INFO] Configuration change: Set 'tracing' to 'yes' > [0.000000] [xbt_cfg/INFO] Configuration change: Set 'tracing/filename' to 'simulation.trace' > [0.000000] [xbt_cfg/INFO] Configuration change: Set 'tracing/platform' to 'yes' > [4.474401] [jmsg/INFO] MSG_main finished; Cleaning up the simulation... > [Boivin:tracing.Receiver:(2) 0.000000] [jmsg/INFO] hello! > [Boivin:tracing.Receiver:(2) 0.000000] [jmsg/INFO] try to get a task > [Boivin:tracing.Receiver:(2) 1.048882] [jmsg/INFO] Got at time 1.0488818628325232 > [Boivin:tracing.Receiver:(2) 1.048882] [jmsg/INFO] Was sent at time 0.0 > [Boivin:tracing.Receiver:(2) 1.048882] [jmsg/INFO] Communication time : 1.0488818628325232 > [Boivin:tracing.Receiver:(2) 1.048882] [jmsg/INFO] --- bw 9.533962169004269E7 ---- > [Boivin:tracing.Receiver:(2) 2.097764] [jmsg/INFO] goodbye! > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 0.000000] [jmsg/INFO] hello ! > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 0.000000] [jmsg/INFO] host count: 2 > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 0.000000] [jmsg/INFO] sender time: 0.0 > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 2.097764] [jmsg/INFO] Got at time 2.0977637256650463 > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 2.097764] [jmsg/INFO] Was sent at time 0.0 > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 2.097764] [jmsg/INFO] Communication time : 2.0977637256650463 > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 2.097764] [jmsg/INFO] --- bw 4.7669810845021345E7 ---- > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 2.097764] [jmsg/INFO] sender time: 2.0977637256650463 > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 4.474401] [jmsg/INFO] Got at time 4.47440072325564 > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 4.474401] [jmsg/INFO] Was sent at time 2.0977637256650463 > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 4.474401] [jmsg/INFO] Communication time : 2.376636997590594 > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 4.474401] [jmsg/INFO] --- bw 4.2076261583648995E7 ---- > [Jacquelin:tracing.Sender:(1) 4.474401] [jmsg/INFO] goodbye! > [Marcel:tracing.Receiver:(3) 0.000000] [jmsg/INFO] hello! > [Marcel:tracing.Receiver:(3) 0.000000] [jmsg/INFO] try to get a task > [Marcel:tracing.Receiver:(3) 3.057925] [jmsg/INFO] Got at time 3.0579254576553434 > [Marcel:tracing.Receiver:(3) 3.057925] [jmsg/INFO] Was sent at time 2.0977637256650463 > [Marcel:tracing.Receiver:(3) 3.057925] [jmsg/INFO] Communication time : 0.9601617319902971 > [Marcel:tracing.Receiver:(3) 3.057925] [jmsg/INFO] --- bw 1.0414912057858452E8 ---- > [Marcel:tracing.Receiver:(3) 4.474401] [jmsg/INFO] goodbye! $ rm -rf simulation.trace