.. _plugins: .. raw:: html

SimGrid Plugins ############### You can extend SimGrid without modifying it, thanks to our plugin mechanism. This page describes how to write your own plugin, and gives the documentation of the ones distributed with SimGrid. - Host Energy: models the energy dissipation of the compute units. - Link Energy: models the energy dissipation of the network. Defining a Plugin ***************** A plugin can get some additional code executed within the SimGrid kernel, and attach the data needed by that code to the SimGrid objects. The host load plugin in `src/plugins/host_load.cpp `_ constitutes a good introductory example. It defines a class ```HostLoad``` that is meant to be attached to each host. This class contains a ```EXTENSION_ID``` field that is mandatory to our extension mechanism. Then, the function ```sg_host_load_plugin_init``` initializes the plugin. It first calls :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Host::extension_create()` to register its extension to the ```s4u::Host``` objects, and then attaches some callbacks to signals. You can attach your own extension to most kinds of s4u object: :cpp:class:`Actors `, :cpp:class:`Disks `, :cpp:class:`Hosts ` and :cpp:class:`Links `. If you need to extend another kind of objects, please let us now. Partial list of existing signals in s4u: - :cpp:member:`Actor::on_creation ` :cpp:member:`Actor::on_suspend ` :cpp:member:`Actor::on_resume ` :cpp:member:`Actor::on_sleep ` :cpp:member:`Actor::on_wake_up ` :cpp:member:`Actor::on_migration_start ` :cpp:member:`Actor::on_migration_end ` :cpp:member:`Actor::on_termination ` :cpp:member:`Actor::on_destruction ` - :cpp:member:`Comm::on_sender_start ` :cpp:member:`Comm::on_receiver_start ` :cpp:member:`Comm::on_completion ` - :cpp:member:`Engine::on_platform_creation ` :cpp:member:`Engine::on_platform_created ` :cpp:member:`Engine::on_time_advance ` :cpp:member:`Engine::on_simulation_end ` :cpp:member:`Engine::on_deadlock ` - :cpp:member:`Exec::on_start ` :cpp:member:`Exec::on_completion ` - :cpp:member:`Host::on_creation ` :cpp:member:`Host::on_destruction ` :cpp:member:`Host::on_state_change ` :cpp:member:`Host::on_speed_change ` - :cpp:member:`Link::on_creation ` :cpp:member:`Link::on_destruction ` :cpp:member:`Link::on_state_change ` :cpp:member:`Link::on_speed_change ` :cpp:member:`Link::on_communicate ` :cpp:member:`Link::on_communication_state_change ` - :cpp:member:`Netzone::on_creation ` :cpp:member:`Netzone::on_seal ` :cpp:member:`Netzone::on_route_creation ` - :cpp:member:`VirtualMachine::on_start ` :cpp:member:`VirtualMachine::on_started ` :cpp:member:`VirtualMachine::on_suspend ` :cpp:member:`VirtualMachine::on_resume ` :cpp:member:`VirtualMachine::on_migration_start ` :cpp:member:`VirtualMachine::on_migration_end ` Existing Plugins **************** Only the major plugins are described here. Please check in src/plugins to explore the other ones. .. _plugin_host_energy: Host Energy Plugin ================== .. doxygengroup:: Plugin_host_energy .. _plugin_link_energy: Link Energy Plugin ================== .. doxygengroup:: Plugin_link_energy .. LocalWords: SimGrid