### ARGs use -D[var]=[ON/OFF] or [1/0] or [true/false](see after) ### ex: cmake -Denable_java=ON -Denable_gtnets=ON ./ set(BIBTEX2HTML ${BIBTEX2HTML} CACHE PATH "Path to bibtex2html") set(gtnets_path ${gtnets_path} CACHE PATH "Path to gtnets lib and include") set(ns3_path ${ns3_path} CACHE PATH "Path to ns3 lib and include") if(NOT CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr/local/simgrid/" CACHE PATH "Path where this project should be installed") else() set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} CACHE PATH "Path where this project should be installed") endif() set(pipol_user ${pipol_user} CACHE INTERNAL "pipol_user" FORCE) mark_as_advanced(pipol_user) option(release "Whether Release Mode is activated (disable tests on experimental parts)" on) option(enable_compile_optimizations "Whether to produce efficient code for the SimGrid library" on) option(enable_documentation "Whether to produce documentation" on) option(enable_gtnets "Whether gtnets model is activated." off) option(enable_ns3 "Whether ns3 model is activated." off) option(enable_java "Whether the Java bindings are activated." off) option(enable_scala "Whether the Scala bindings are activated." off) option(enable_lua "Whether the Lua bindings are activated." off) option(enable_compile_warnings "Whether compilation warnings should be turned into errors." off) option(enable_maintainer_mode "Whether flex and flexml files should be rebuilt." off) option(enable_tracing "Tracing simulations for visualization." on) option(enable_latency_bound_tracking "" off) option(enable_coverage "Whether coverage should be enabled." off) option(enable_ust "Enable userspace static tracepoint (lttng-ust)." off) option(enable_sdt "Enable statically defined tracepoint (strace/systemtap)." off) mark_as_advanced(enable_coverage) option(enable_memcheck "Enable memcheck." off) option(enable_memcheck_xml "Enable memcheck with xml output." off) mark_as_advanced(enable_memcheck) mark_as_advanced(enable_memcheck_xml) option(enable_mallocators "Enable mallocators (disable only for debugging purpose)." on) option(enable_print_message "Enable print message during config." off) mark_as_advanced(enable_print_message) option(enable_model-checking "Turn this on to experiment with our prototype of model-checker (hinders the simulation's performance even if turned off at runtime)" off) option(enable_lib_static "" off) option(enable_lib_in_jar "Whether the native libraries are bundled in a Java jar file" on) option(enable_jedule "Jedule output of SimDAG." off) option(enable_debug "Turn this off to remove all debug messages at compile time (faster, but no debug activatable)" on) option(enable_msg_deprecated "This option enables the use of deprecated MSG functions" off) if(WIN32) option(enable_smpi "Whether SMPI in included in library." off) option(enable_smpi_MPICH3_testsuite "Whether the test suite form MPICH 3 should be built" off) else() option(enable_smpi "Whether SMPI in included in library." on) option(enable_smpi_MPICH3_testsuite "Whether the test suite form MPICH 3 should be built" off) endif() option(enable_smpi_ISP_testsuite "Whether the test suite from ISP should be built." off) if(enable_scala AND NOT enable_java) message(WARNING "For using scala you must turn java on with this command:\ncmake -Denable_java=on .") endif() mark_as_advanced(HAVE_SSH) mark_as_advanced(HAVE_RSYNC) mark_as_advanced(BIBTEX2HTML_PATH) mark_as_advanced(BUILDNAME) mark_as_advanced(ADDR2LINE) mark_as_advanced(BIBTOOL_PATH) mark_as_advanced(BUILD_TESTING) mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) mark_as_advanced(DART_ROOT) mark_as_advanced(DOXYGEN_PATH) mark_as_advanced(FIG2DEV_PATH) mark_as_advanced(FLEXML_EXE) mark_as_advanced(FLEX_EXE) mark_as_advanced(PERL_EXECUTABLE) mark_as_advanced(GCOV_PATH) mark_as_advanced(ICONV_PATH) mark_as_advanced(MAKE_PATH) mark_as_advanced(SVN) mark_as_advanced(GIT) mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES) mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT) mark_as_advanced(SED_EXE) mark_as_advanced(BIBTEX2HTML) mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_C_LINK_FLAGS) mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) mark_as_advanced(CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_FLAGS)