# Try to find the NS3 library. # # The user can hint a path using the NS3_HINT option. # # Once done, the following will be defined: # # NS3_INCLUDE_DIRS - the NS3 include directories # NS3_LIBRARY_PATH - path to the libs # NS3_LIBRARIES - link these to use NS3 (full path to libs) # # This could be improved in many ways (patches welcome): # - No way to specify a minimal version (v3.10 is hardcoded). # - No proper find_package() integration ## ADDING A NS3 VERSION. # - Add ns3.${version}-core to the NAME line of the find_library below # - Add include/ns3{version} to the PATH_SUFFIXES line of the find_path below set(HAVE_NS3 0) set(NS3_HINT ${ns3_path} CACHE PATH "Path to search for NS3 lib and include") find_library(NS3_LIBRARIES NAME ns3-core ns3.14-core ns3.15-core ns3.16-core ns3.17-core ns3.18-core ns3.19-core ns3.20-core ns3.21-core ns3.22-core PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib ns3/lib PATHS ${NS3_HINT} ) find_path(NS3_INCLUDE_DIR NAME ns3/core-module.h PATH_SUFFIXES include ns3/include include/ns3.14 include/ns3.15 include/ns3.16 include/ns3.17 include/ns3.18 include/ns3.19 include/ns3.20 include/ns3.21 include/ns3.22 PATHS ${NS3_HINT} ) if(NS3_INCLUDE_DIR) message(STATUS "Looking for ns3/core-module.h - found") else() message(STATUS "Looking for ns3/core-module.h - not found") endif() mark_as_advanced(NS3_INCLUDE_DIR) message(STATUS "Looking for lib ns3-core") if(NS3_LIBRARIES) message(STATUS "Looking for lib ns3-core - found") else() message(STATUS "Looking for lib ns3-core - not found") endif() mark_as_advanced(NS3_LIBRARIES) if(NS3_INCLUDE_DIR) if(NS3_LIBRARIES) set(HAVE_NS3 1) string(REGEX REPLACE ".*ns([.0-9]+)-core.*" "\\1" NS3_VERSION "${NS3_LIBRARIES}") get_filename_component(NS3_LIBRARY_PATH "${NS3_LIBRARIES}" PATH) # Compute NS3_PATH string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/lib" "\\1" NS3_PATH "${NS3_LIBRARY_PATH}") message(STATUS "NS-3 found (v3.${NS3_VERSION} in ${NS3_PATH}).") if (NOT NS3_LIBRARY_PATH STREQUAL "/usr/lib") string(REGEX MATCH "${NS3_LIBRARY_PATH}" MatchResult "$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}") if(NOT MatchResult) message(STATUS "Warning: NS3 not installed in system path, and not listed in LD_LIBRARY_PATH." " You want to: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${NS3_LIBRARY_PATH}\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}") endif() endif() endif() endif() mark_as_advanced(NS3_LIBRARY_PATH) message("NS3_VERSION: ${NS3_VERSION}") message("NS3_LIBRARIES: ${NS3_LIBRARIES}") if(HAVE_NS3) link_directories(${NS3_LIBRARY_PATH}) include_directories(${NS3_INCLUDE_DIR}) else() message(STATUS "Warning: To use NS-3 Please install ns3 at least version 3.10 (http://www.nsnam.org/releases/)") endif()