# Copyright 2021-2022. The SimGrid Team. All rights reserved. # Integrates the MBI tests into the SimGrid build chain when asked to # Only the python scripts are embeeded in the archive, and the C test files are generated at config time using these scripts. # These python scripts are copied over from the MBI repository with as little changes as possible. if (enable_smpi_MBI_testsuite) if (NOT enable_smpi) message(FATAL_ERROR "MBI test suite cannot be enabled without SMPI. Please change either setting.") endif() if (NOT enable_model-checking) message(FATAL_ERROR "MBI test suite cannot be enabled without the Mc SimGrid model-checker. Please change either setting.") endif() message(STATUS "Generating the MBI test cases") file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp) file(COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/generator_utils.py DESTINATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp) file(GLOB generator_scripts *Generator.py) foreach (script ${generator_scripts}) message(STATUS " $ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${script}") execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${script} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp RESULT_VARIABLE status) if (NOT status EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Command failed with status: ${status}") endif() endforeach() unset(generator_scripts) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/smpi_script/bin/smpicc") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/smpi_script/bin/smpicxx") include_directories(BEFORE "${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/include/smpi") # Connect the MBI tests to the other tests add_custom_target(tests-mbi COMMENT "Recompiling the MBI tests and tools.") add_dependencies(tests tests-mbi) add_dependencies(tests-mbi simgrid-mc smpimain) # Remove Concurrency tests that are out of reach because simgrid does not intercept local modifications yet # An idea could be to use ASan on the verified application, along with https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/AddressSanitizerManualPoisoning # But currently, ASan is not usable at all, since the Checker dislikes this trick when it tries to read the memory of the app. # We should change the checker to not read the app when verifying safty properties file(GLOB cfiles ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp/LocalConcurrency*.c ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp/GlobalConcurrency*.c ) foreach(cfile ${cfiles}) file(REMOVE ${cfile}) endforeach() list(LENGTH cfiles len) message(STATUS "Removed ${len} concurrency tests that would fail because we cannot intercept modifications of local variables.") unset(len) file(GLOB cfiles RELATIVE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp/*.c ) foreach(cfile ${cfiles}) # Copy the generated files only if different (needs cmake ≥ 3.21) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.21) file(COPY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp/${cfile} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/) else() file(COPY_FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp/${cfile} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/${cfile} ONLY_IF_DIFFERENT) endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "[.]c" "" basefile ${cfile}) # Generate an executable for each of them add_executable(mbi_${basefile} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/${cfile}) target_link_libraries(mbi_${basefile} simgrid) target_compile_options(mbi_${basefile} PRIVATE "-Wno-unused-variable") set_target_properties(mbi_${basefile} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI) add_dependencies(tests-mbi mbi_${basefile}) # Generate a test case for each source file, using the MBI runner ADD_TEST(NAME mbi-${basefile} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/MBI.py ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ./mbi_${basefile} ${cfile} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI) SET_TESTS_PROPERTIES(mbi-${basefile} PROPERTIES DEPENDS mbi-${basefile}) SET_TESTS_PROPERTIES(mbi-${basefile} PROPERTIES DEPENDS simgrid-mc) endforeach() file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI/tmp) # Clean temp files if("${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}") else() file(COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/MBIutils.py DESTINATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/MBI) endif() endif() # Add the needed files to the distribution foreach(script ${generator_scripts}) set(teshsuite_src ${teshsuite_src} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${script}) endforeach() set(teshsuite_src ${teshsuite_src} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/generator_utils.py ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/MBI.py ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/MBIutils.py ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/simgrid.py PARENT_SCOPE)