#!/usr/bin/env tesh ! timeout 15 $ ${javacmd:=java} -classpath ${classpath:=.} energy/consumption/Main ${srcdir:=.}/../../platforms/energy_platform.xml > [0.000000] [java/INFO] Using regular java threads. > [MyHost1:energyConsumer:(1) 0.000000] [java/INFO] Energetic profile: 100.0:93.33333333333333:200.0, 93.0:90.0:170.0, 90.0:90.0:150.0 > [MyHost1:energyConsumer:(1) 0.000000] [java/INFO] Initial peak speed= 1.0E8 flop/s; Energy dissipated = 0.0 J > [MyHost1:energyConsumer:(1) 10.000000] [java/INFO] Currently consumed energy after sleeping 10 sec: 1000.0 > [MyHost1:energyConsumer:(1) 20.000000] [java/INFO] Currently consumed energy after executing 1E9 flops: 2200.0 > [20.000000] [surf_energy/INFO] Total energy consumption: 6200.000000 Joules (used hosts: 2200.000000 Joules; unused/idle hosts: 4000.000000) > [20.000000] [java/INFO] Terminating the simulation... > [20.000000] [java/INFO] Total simulation time: 20.0 > [20.000000] [host_energy/INFO] Energy consumption of host MyHost1: 2200.000000 Joules > [20.000000] [host_energy/INFO] Energy consumption of host MyHost2: 2000.000000 Joules > [20.000000] [host_energy/INFO] Energy consumption of host MyHost3: 2000.000000 Joules