.. _S4U_doc: The S4U Interface ################# .. raw:: html

The S4U interface (SimGrid for you) mixes the full power of SimGrid with the full power of C++. This is the preferred interface to describe abstract algorithms in the domains of Cloud, P2P, HPC, IoT, and similar settings. Since v3.20 (June 2018), S4U is the way to go for long-term projects. It is feature complete, but may still evolve slightly in future releases. It can already be used to do everything that can be done in SimGrid, but you may have to adapt your code in future releases. When this happens, compiling your code will produce deprecation warnings for 4 releases (one year) before the removal of the old symbols. If you want an API that will never ever evolve in the future, you should use the :ref:`deprecated MSG API ` instead. Main Concepts ************* A typical SimGrid simulation is composed of several |API_s4u_Actors|_, that execute user-provided functions. The actors have to explicitly use the S4U interface to express their :ref:`computation `, :ref:`communication `, :ref:`disk usage `, and other |API_s4u_Activities|_, so that they get reflected within the simulator. These activities take place on resources such as |API_s4u_Hosts|_, |API_s4u_Links|_, and |API_s4u_Disks|_. SimGrid predicts the time taken by each activity and orchestrates the actors accordingly, waiting for the completion of these activities. When **communicating**, data is not directly sent to other actors but posted onto a |API_s4u_Mailbox|_ that serves as a rendezvous point between communicating actors. This means that you don't need to know who you are talking to, you just put your communication `Put` request in a mailbox, and it will be matched with a complementary `Get` request. Alternatively, actors can interact through **classical synchronization mechanisms** such as |API_s4u_Barrier|_, |API_s4u_Semaphore|_, |API_s4u_Mutex|_, and |API_s4u_ConditionVariable|_. Each actor is located on a simulated |API_s4u_Host|_. Each host is located in a |API_s4u_NetZone|_, that knows the networking path between one resource to another. Each NetZone is included in another one, forming a tree of NetZones which root zone contains the whole platform. The actors can also be located on a |API_s4U_VirtualMachine|_ that may restrict the activities it contains to a limited amount of cores. Virtual machines can also be migrated between hosts. The :ref:`simgrid::s4u::this_actor ` namespace provides many helper functions to simplify the code of actors. - **Simulation Elements** - :ref:`class Actor `: Active entities executing your application. - :ref:`class Engine ` Simulation engine (singleton). - :ref:`class Mailbox ` Communication rendezvous, with which actors meet each other. - **Resources** - :ref:`class Disk ` Resource on which actors can write and read data. - :ref:`class Host `: Actor location, providing computational power. - :ref:`class Link ` Interconnecting hosts. - :ref:`class NetZone `: Sub-region of the platform, containing resources (Hosts, Links, etc). - :ref:`class VirtualMachine `: Execution containers that can be moved between Hosts. - **Activities** (:ref:`class Activity `): The things that actors can do on resources - :ref:`class Comm ` Communication activity, started on Mailboxes and consuming links. - :ref:`class Exec ` Computation activity, started on Host and consuming CPU resources. - :ref:`class Io ` I/O activity, started on and consuming disks. - **Synchronization Objects**: Classical IPC that actors can use - :ref:`class Barrier ` - :ref:`class ConditionVariable ` - :ref:`class Mutex ` - :ref:`class Semaphore ` .. |API_s4u_Actors| replace:: **Actors** .. _API_s4u_Actors: #api-s4u-actor .. |API_s4u_Activities| replace:: **Activities** .. _API_s4u_Activities: #api-s4u-activity .. |API_s4u_Hosts| replace:: **Hosts** .. _API_s4u_Hosts: #api-s4u-host .. |API_s4u_Links| replace:: **Links** .. _API_s4u_Links: #api-s4u-link .. |API_s4u_Disks| replace:: **Disks** .. _API_s4u_Disks: #api-s4u-disk .. |API_s4u_VirtualMachine| replace:: **VirtualMachines** .. |API_s4u_Host| replace:: **Host** .. |API_s4u_Mailbox| replace:: **Mailbox** .. |API_s4u_Mailboxes| replace:: **Mailboxes** .. _API_s4u_Mailboxes: #s4u-mailbox .. |API_s4u_NetZone| replace:: **NetZone** .. |API_s4u_Barrier| replace:: **Barrier** .. |API_s4u_Semaphore| replace:: **Semaphore** .. |API_s4u_ConditionVariable| replace:: **ConditionVariable** .. |API_s4u_Mutex| replace:: **Mutex** .. _s4u_Activities: Activities ********** Activities represent the actions that consume a resource, such as a :ref:`Comm ` that consumes the *transmitting power* of :ref:`Link ` resources, or an :ref:`Exec ` that consumes the *computing power* of :ref:`Host ` resources. See also the :ref:`full API ` below. ======================= Asynchronous Activities ======================= Every activity can be either **blocking** or **asynchronous**. For example, :cpp:func:`s4u::Mailbox::put() ` and :cpp:func:`s4u::Mailbox::get() ` create blocking communications: the actor is blocked until the completion of that communication. Asynchronous communications do not block the actor during their execution but progress on their own. Once your asynchronous activity is started, you can test for its completion using :cpp:func:`s4u::Activity::test() `. This function returns ``true`` if the activity is completed already. You can also use :cpp:func:`s4u::Activity::wait() ` to block until the completion of the activity. To wait for at most a given amount of time, use :cpp:func:`s4u::Activity::wait_for() `. Finally, to wait at most until a specified time limit, use :cpp:func:`s4u::Activity::wait_until() `. Every kind of activity can be asynchronous: - :ref:`s4u::CommPtr ` are created with :cpp:func:`s4u::Mailbox::put_async() ` and :cpp:func:`s4u::Mailbox::get_async() `. - :ref:`s4u::IoPtr ` are created with :cpp:func:`s4u::Disk::read_async() ` and :cpp:func:`s4u::Disk::write_async() `. - :ref:`s4u::ExecPtr ` are created with :cpp:func:`s4u::Host::exec_async() `. - In the future, it will become possible to have asynchronous IPC such as asynchronous mutex lock requests. The following example shows how to have several concurrent communications ongoing. First, you have to declare a vector in which we will store the ongoing communications. It is also useful to have a vector of mailboxes. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cpp/comm-waitall/s4u-comm-waitall.cpp :language: c++ :start-after: init-begin :end-before: init-end :dedent: 4 Then, you start all the communications that should occur concurrently with :cpp:func:`s4u::Mailbox::put_async() `. Finally, the actor waits for the completion of all of them at once with :cpp:func:`s4u::Comm::wait_all() `. .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cpp/comm-waitall/s4u-comm-waitall.cpp :language: c++ :start-after: put-begin :end-before: put-end :dedent: 4 ===================== Activities Life cycle ===================== Sometimes, you want to change the setting of an activity before it even starts. .. todo:: write this section .. _s4u_mailbox: Mailboxes ********* Please also refer to the :ref:`API reference for s4u::Mailbox `. =================== What are Mailboxes? =================== |API_s4u_Mailboxes|_ are rendezvous points for network communications, similar to URLs on which you could post and retrieve data. Actually, the mailboxes are not involved in the communication once it starts, but only to find the contact with which you want to communicate. They are similar to many common things: The phone number, which allows the caller to find the receiver. The Twitter hashtag, which helps senders and receivers to find each other. In TCP, the pair ``{host name, host port}`` to which you can connect to find your peer. In HTTP, URLs through which the clients can connect to the servers. In ZeroMQ, the queues are used to match senders and receivers. One big difference with most of these systems is that no actor is the exclusive owner of a mailbox, neither in sending nor in receiving. Many actors can send into and/or receive from the same mailbox. TCP socket ports for example are shared on the sender side but exclusive on the receiver side (only one process can receive from a given socket at a given point of time). A big difference with TCP sockets or MPI communications is that communications do not start right away after a :cpp:func:`Mailbox::put() `, but wait for the corresponding :cpp:func:`Mailbox::get() `. You can change this by :ref:`declaring a receiving actor `. A big difference with Twitter hashtags is that SimGrid does not offer easy support to broadcast a given message to many receivers. So that would be like a Twitter tag where each message is consumed by the first receiver. A big difference with the ZeroMQ queues is that you cannot filter on the data you want to get from the mailbox. To model such settings in SimGrid, you'd have one mailbox per potential topic, and subscribe to each topic individually with a :cpp:func:`get_async() ` on each mailbox. Then, use :cpp:func:`Comm::wait_any() ` to get the first message on any of the mailboxes you are subscribed to. The mailboxes are not located on the network, and you can access them without any latency. The network delays are only related to the location of the sender and receiver once the match between them is done on the mailbox. This is just like the phone number that you can use locally, and the geographical distance only comes into play once you start the communication by dialing this number. ===================== How to use Mailboxes? ===================== You can retrieve any existing mailbox from its name (which is a unique string, just like a Twitter tag). This results in a versatile tool that can be used to build many different situations. To model classical socket communications, use "hostname:port" as mailbox names, and make sure that only one actor reads into a given mailbox. This does not make it easy to build a perfectly realistic model of the TCP sockets, but in most cases, this system is too cumbersome for your simulations anyway. You probably want something simpler, that turns out to be easy to build with the mailboxes. Many SimGrid examples use a sort of yellow page system where the mailbox names are the name of the service (such as "worker", "master", or "reducer"). That way, you don't have to know where your peer is located to contact it. You don't even need its name. Its function is enough for that. This also gives you some sort of load balancing for free if more than one actor pulls from the mailbox: the first actor that can deal with the request will handle it. ========================================= How are put() and get() requests matched? ========================================= The matching algorithm simple: first come, first serve. When a new send arrives, it matches the oldest enqueued receive. If no receive is currently enqueued, then the incoming send is enqueued. As you can see, the mailbox cannot contain both send and receive requests: all enqueued requests must be of the same sort. .. _s4u_receiving_actor: =========================== Declaring a Receiving Actor =========================== The last twist is that by default in the simulator, the data starts to be exchanged only when both the sender and the receiver are announced (it waits until both :cpp:func:`put() ` and :cpp:func:`get() ` are posted). In TCP, since you establish connections beforehand, the data starts to flow as soon as the sender posts it, even if the receiver did not post its :cpp:func:`put() ` yet. To model this in SimGrid, you can declare a specific receiver to a given mailbox (with the function :cpp:func:`set_receiver() `). That way, any :cpp:func:`put() ` posted to that mailbox will start as soon as possible, and the data will already be there on the receiver host when the receiver actor posts its :cpp:func:`get() ` Note that being permanent receivers of a mailbox prevents actors to be garbage-collected. If your simulation creates many short-lived actors that are marked as permanent receiver, you should call ``mailbox->set_receiver(nullptr)`` by the end of the actors so that their memory gets properly reclaimed. This call should be at the end of the actor's function, not in an on_exit callback. =============================== Communicating without Mailboxes =============================== Sometimes you don't want to simulate communications between actors as allowed by mailboxes, but you want to create a direct communication between two arbitrary hosts. This can arise when you write a high-level model of a centralized scheduler, or when you model direct communications such as one-sided communications in MPI or remote memory direct access in PGAS. For that, :cpp:func:`Comm::sendto() ` simulates a direct communication between the two specified hosts. No mailbox is used, and there is no rendezvous between actors. You can freely mix such direct communications and rendezvous-based communications. Alternatively, :cpp:func:`Comm::sendto_init() ` and :cpp:func:`Comm::sendto_async() ` create asynchronous direct communications. .. _s4u_raii: Memory Management ***************** For sake of simplicity, we use `RAII `_ for many classes in S4U. This is an idiom where resources are automatically managed through the context. Provided that you never manipulate objects of type Foo directly but always FooPtr references (which are defined as `boost::intrusive_ptr `_ ), you will never have to explicitly release the resource that you use nor to free the memory of unused objects. Here is a little example: .. code-block:: cpp void myFunc() { simgrid::s4u::MutexPtr mutex = simgrid::s4u::Mutex::create(); // Too bad we cannot use `new` mutex->lock(); // use the mutex as a simple reference // bla bla mutex->unlock(); } // The mutex gets automatically freed because the only existing reference gets out of scope Note that Mailboxes, Hosts, and Links are not handled through smart pointers (yet?). This means that it is currently impossible to destroy a mailbox or a link. You can still destroy a host (but probably shouldn't), using :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Host::destroy`. .. THE EXAMPLES .. include:: ../../examples/README.rst API Reference ************* .. _API_s4u_simulation_object: ================== Simulation objects ================== .. _API_s4u_Actor: ============== ⁣  class Actor ============== .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Actor .. doxygentypedef:: aid_t Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code:: C++ #include .. doxygentypedef:: ActorPtr .. group-tab:: Python .. code:: Python from simgrid import Actor .. autoclass:: simgrid.Actor .. group-tab:: C .. code:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_actor_t .. cpp:type:: const s4u_Actor* const_sg_actor_t Pointer to a constant actor object. .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_ref .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_unref Creating actors --------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::create(const std::string &name, s4u::Host *host, const std::function< void()> &code) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::create(const std::string &name, s4u::Host *host, F code) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::create(const std::string &name, s4u::Host *host, F code, Args... args) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::create(const std::string &name, s4u::Host *host, const std::string &function, std::vector< std::string > args) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::init(const std::string &name, s4u::Host *host) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::start(const std::function< void()> &code) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::set_stacksize .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.create .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_create(const char *name, sg_host_t host, xbt_main_func_t code, int argc, char *const *argv) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_init(const char *name, sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_start(sg_actor_t actor, xbt_main_func_t code, int argc, char *const *argv) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_set_stacksize .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_attach(const char *name, void *data, sg_host_t host, xbt_dict_t properties) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_detach() Retrieving actors ----------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::by_pid(aid_t pid) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::self() .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.by_pid .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.self .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_by_pid(aid_t pid) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_self() Querying info ------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_cname .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_name .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_pid .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_ppid .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_properties() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_property(const std::string &key) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::set_property(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_host .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::set_host .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_refcount .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_impl .. group-tab:: Python .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Actor.name .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Actor.host .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Actor.pid .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Actor.ppid .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_get_name(const_sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_get_pid(const_sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_get_ppid(const_sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_get_properties(const_sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_get_property_value(const_sg_actor_t actor, const char *name) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_get_host(const_sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_set_host(sg_actor_t actor, sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_get_data(const_sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_set_data(sg_actor_t actor, void *userdata) Suspending and resuming actors ------------------------------ .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::suspend() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::resume() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::is_suspended .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.resume .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.suspend .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.is_suspended .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_suspend(sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_resume(sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_is_suspended(const_sg_actor_t actor) Specifying when actors should terminate --------------------------------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::kill() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::kill_all() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::set_kill_time(double time) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::get_kill_time .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::restart() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::daemonize() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::is_daemon .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.kill .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.kill_all .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.daemonize .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.is_daemon .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_kill(sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_kill_all() .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_set_kill_time(sg_actor_t actor, double kill_time) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_restart(sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_daemonize(sg_actor_t actor) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_is_daemon .. _API_s4u_Actor_end: Reacting to the end of actors ----------------------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::on_exit .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::join() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::join(double timeout) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::set_auto_restart(bool autorestart) .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Actor.join .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_on_exit .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_join(const_sg_actor_t actor, double timeout) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_set_auto_restart(sg_actor_t actor, int auto_restart) Signals ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::on_creation .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::on_suspend .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::on_host_change .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::on_resume .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::on_sleep .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::on_wake_up .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::on_termination .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Actor::on_destruction .. _API_s4u_this_actor: ==================== ⁣  The current actor ==================== These functions can be used in your user code to interact with the actor currently running (the one retrieved with :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Actor::self`). Using these functions can greatly improve the code readability. Querying info ------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::get_cname() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::get_name() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::get_pid() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::get_ppid() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::is_maestro() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::get_host() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::set_host(Host *new_host) .. group-tab:: Python .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.get_host .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.set_host .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_self_get_data() .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_self_set_data(void *data) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_self_get_name() .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_self_get_pid() .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_self_get_ppid() .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_self() .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_self_get_name() Suspending and resuming ----------------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::suspend() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::yield() .. group-tab:: Python .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.suspend .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.yield_ .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_yield() Logging messages ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Python .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.info .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.error Sleeping -------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::sleep_for(double duration) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::sleep_for(std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > duration) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::sleep_until(const SimulationTimePoint< Duration > &wakeup_time) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::sleep_until(double wakeup_time) .. group-tab:: Python .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.sleep_for .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.sleep_until .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_sleep_for(double duration) Simulating executions --------------------- Simulate the execution of some code on this actor. You can either simulate parallel or sequential code and you can either block upon the termination of the execution, or start an asynchronous activity. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::exec_async .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::exec_init(const std::vector< s4u::Host * > &hosts, const std::vector< double > &flops_amounts, const std::vector< double > &bytes_amounts) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::exec_init(double flops_amounts) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::execute(double flop) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::execute(double flop, double priority) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::parallel_execute(const std::vector< s4u::Host * > &hosts, const std::vector< double > &flops_amounts, const std::vector< double > &bytes_amounts) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::parallel_execute(const std::vector< s4u::Host * > &hosts, const std::vector< double > &flops_amounts, const std::vector< double > &bytes_amounts, double timeout) .. group-tab:: Python .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.exec_init .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.execute .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_execute(double flops) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_execute_with_priority(double flops, double priority) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_exec_init(double computation_amount) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_exec_async(double computation_amount) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_parallel_exec_init(int host_nb, const sg_host_t* host_list, double* flops_amount, double* bytes_amount); Exiting ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::exit() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::this_actor::on_exit(const std::function< void(bool)> &fun) .. group-tab:: Python .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.exit .. autofunction:: simgrid.this_actor.on_exit .. group-tab:: c See also :cpp:func:`sg_actor_on_exit`. .. doxygenfunction:: sg_actor_exit .. _API_s4u_Engine: ==================== ⁣  Simulation Engine ==================== .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Engine Initialization -------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::Engine(int *argc, char **argv) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::is_initialized() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::shutdown() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::set_config(const std::string &str) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::set_config(const std::string &name, bool value) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::set_config(const std::string &name, double value) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::set_config(const std::string &name, int value) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::set_config(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::load_deployment .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::load_platform .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::register_actor(const std::string &name) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::register_actor(const std::string &name, F code) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::register_default(const std::function< void(int, char **)> &code) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::register_default(const kernel::actor::ActorCodeFactory &factory) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::register_function(const std::string &name, const std::function< void(int, char **)> &code) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::register_function(const std::string &name, const std::function< void(std::vector< std::string >)> &code) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::register_function(const std::string &name, const kernel::actor::ActorCodeFactory &factory) .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Engine.load_deployment .. automethod:: simgrid.Engine.load_platform .. automethod:: simgrid.Engine.register_actor .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid_init .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid_load_deployment .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid_load_platform .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid_register_default .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid_register_function Run the simulation ------------------ .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_clock() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::run .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Engine.get_clock .. automethod:: simgrid.Engine.run .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid_get_clock .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid_run Retrieving actors ----------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_actor_count .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_all_actors .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_filtered_actors .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid_get_actor_count() Retrieving hosts ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_all_hosts .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_host_count .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_filtered_hosts .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::host_by_name .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::host_by_name_or_null .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Engine.get_all_hosts .. group-tab:: C See also :cpp:func:`sg_host_list` and :cpp:func:`sg_host_count`. Retrieving links ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_all_links .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_link_count .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_filtered_links .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::link_by_name .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::link_by_name_or_null Interacting with the routing ---------------------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_all_netpoints .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_filtered_netzones .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_instance() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_netzone_root .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::netpoint_by_name_or_null .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::netzone_by_name_or_null .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::set_netzone_root(const NetZone *netzone) Signals ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::on_deadlock .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::on_platform_created .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::on_platform_creation .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::on_simulation_end .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Engine::on_time_advance .. _API_s4u_Mailbox: ================ ⁣  class Mailbox ================ .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox Please also refer to the :ref:`full doc on s4u::Mailbox `. Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include Note that there is no MailboxPtr type and that you cannot use the RAII idiom on mailboxes because they are internal objects to the simulation engine. Once created, there is no way to destroy a mailbox before the end of the simulation. .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::by_name(const std::string &name) .. group-tab:: Python .. code-block:: C++ #include .. autoclass:: simgrid.Mailbox .. automethod:: simgrid.Mailbox.by_name .. group-tab:: C .. code-block:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_mailbox_t .. doxygentypedef:: const_sg_mailbox_t .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mailbox_by_name(const char *alias) Querying info ------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::get_cname .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::get_name .. group-tab:: Python .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Mailbox.name Sending data ------------ .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::put(void *payload, uint64_t simulated_size_in_bytes) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::put(void *payload, uint64_t simulated_size_in_bytes, double timeout) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::put_async(void *data, uint64_t simulated_size_in_bytes) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::put_init() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::put_init(void *data, uint64_t simulated_size_in_bytes) .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Mailbox.put .. automethod:: simgrid.Mailbox.put_async .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mailbox_put(sg_mailbox_t mailbox, void *payload, long simulated_size_in_bytes) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mailbox_put_init(sg_mailbox_t mailbox, void *payload, long simulated_size_in_bytes) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mailbox_put_async(sg_mailbox_t mailbox, void *payload, long simulated_size_in_bytes) Receiving data -------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::empty .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::front .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::get() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::get(double timeout) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::get_async(T **data) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::get_init() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::iprobe(int type, bool(*match_fun)(void *, void *, kernel::activity::CommImpl *), void *data) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::listen .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::ready .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Mailbox.get .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mailbox_get(sg_mailbox_t mailbox) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mailbox_get_async(sg_mailbox_t mailbox, void **data) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mailbox_get_name(const_sg_mailbox_t mailbox) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mailbox_listen(const char *alias) Receiving actor --------------- See :ref:`s4u_receiving_actor`. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::get_receiver .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mailbox::set_receiver(ActorPtr actor) .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mailbox_set_receiver(const char *alias) .. _API_s4u_Resource: ========= Resources ========= .. _API_s4u_Disk: ============= ⁣  class Disk ============= .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Disk Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include Note that there is no DiskPtr type and that you cannot use the RAII idiom on disks because SimGrid does not allow (yet) to create nor destroy resources once the simulation is started. Querying info ------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::get_cname() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::get_host() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::get_name() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::get_properties() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::get_property(const std::string &key) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::get_read_bandwidth() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::get_write_bandwidth() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::set_property(const std::string &, const std::string &value) I/O operations -------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::io_init(sg_size_t size, s4u::Io::OpType type) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::read(sg_size_t size) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::read_async(sg_size_t size) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::write(sg_size_t size) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::write_async(sg_size_t size) const Signals ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::on_creation .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::on_destruction .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Disk::on_state_change .. _API_s4u_Host: ============= ⁣  class Host ============= .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Host Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include Note that there is no HostPtr type, and that you cannot use the RAII idiom on hosts because SimGrid does not allow (yet) to create nor destroy resources once the simulation is started. .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::destroy() .. group-tab:: Python .. code:: Python from simgrid import Host .. group-tab:: C .. code:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_host_t .. cpp:type:: const s4u_Host* const_sg_host_t Pointer to a constant host object. Retrieving hosts ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ See also :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_all_hosts`. .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::by_name(const std::string &name) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::by_name_or_null(const std::string &name) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::current() .. group-tab:: Python See also :py:func:`simgrid.Engine.get_all_hosts`. .. automethod:: simgrid.Host.by_name .. automethod:: simgrid.Host.current .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_by_name(const char *name) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_count() .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_list() .. doxygenfunction:: sg_hosts_as_dynar() Querying info ------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_cname() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_core_count() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_name() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_available_speed() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_load() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_speed() const .. group-tab:: Python .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Host.name .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Host.load .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Host.pstate .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Host.speed .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_core_count(const_sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_dump(const_sg_host_t ws) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_name(const_sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_load(const_sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_speed(const_sg_host_t host) User data and properties ------------------------ .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_properties() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_property(const std::string &key) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::set_properties(const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > &properties) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::set_property(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_set_property_value(sg_host_t host, const char *name, const char *value) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_properties(const_sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_property_value(const_sg_host_t host, const char *name) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_extension_create(void(*deleter)(void *)) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_extension_get(const_sg_host_t host, size_t rank) Retrieving components --------------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::add_disk(const Disk *disk) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_actor_count() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_all_actors() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_disks() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::remove_disk(const std::string &disk_name) .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_actor_list(const_sg_host_t host, xbt_dynar_t whereto) On/Off ------ .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::is_on() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::turn_off() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::turn_on() .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_is_on(const_sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_turn_off(sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_turn_on(sg_host_t host) DVFS ---- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_pstate() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_pstate_count() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_pstate_speed(int pstate_index) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::set_pstate(int pstate_index) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::set_speed_profile(kernel::profile::Profile *p) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::set_state_profile(kernel::profile::Profile *p) .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Host.get_pstate_count .. automethod:: simgrid.Host.get_pstate_speed .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_available_speed(const_sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_nb_pstates(const_sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_pstate(const_sg_host_t host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_pstate_speed(const_sg_host_t host, int pstate_index) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_set_pstate(sg_host_t host, int pstate) Execution --------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::exec_async .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::execute(double flops) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::execute(double flops, double priority) const Platform and routing -------------------- You can also start direct communications between two arbitrary hosts using :cpp:func:`Comm::sendto() `. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_englobing_zone() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::get_netpoint() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::route_to(const Host *dest, std::vector< Link * > &links, double *latency) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Host::route_to(const Host *dest, std::vector< kernel::resource::LinkImpl * > &links, double *latency) const .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_route(const_sg_host_t from, const_sg_host_t to, xbt_dynar_t links) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_route_bandwidth(const_sg_host_t from, const_sg_host_t to) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_get_route_latency(const_sg_host_t from, const_sg_host_t to) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_host_sendto(sg_host_t from, sg_host_t to, double byte_amount) Signals ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Host::on_creation .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Host::on_destruction .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Host::on_speed_change .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Host::on_state_change .. _API_s4u_Link: ============= ⁣  class Link ============= .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Link .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::SplitDuplexLink .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::LinkInRoute Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include Note that there is no LinkPtr type and that you cannot use the RAII idiom on hosts because SimGrid does not allow (yet) to create nor destroy resources once the simulation is started. .. group-tab:: Python .. code:: Python from simgrid import Link .. group-tab:: C .. code:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_link_t .. cpp:type:: const s4u_Link* const_sg_link_t Pointer to a constant link object. Retrieving links ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ See also :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_all_links`. .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::by_name(const std::string &name) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::by_name_or_null(const std::string &name) .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_by_name(const char *name) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_count() .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_list() Querying info -------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::get_bandwidth() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::get_cname() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::get_latency() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::get_name() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::get_sharing_policy() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::get_usage() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::is_used() const .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_get_bandwidth(const_sg_link_t link) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_get_latency(const_sg_link_t link) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_get_name(const_sg_link_t link) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_is_shared(const_sg_link_t link) Modifying characteristics ------------------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::set_bandwidth(double value) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::set_latency(double value) .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_set_bandwidth(sg_link_t link, double value) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_set_latency(sg_link_t link, double value) User data and properties ------------------------ .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::get_property(const std::string &key) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::set_property(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_get_data(const_sg_link_t link) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_link_set_data(sg_link_t link, void *data) On/Off ------ .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ See also :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Link::set_state_profile`. .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::is_on() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::turn_off() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::turn_on() Dynamic profiles ---------------- See :ref:`howto_churn` for more details. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::set_bandwidth_profile(kernel::profile::Profile *profile) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::set_latency_profile(kernel::profile::Profile *profile) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::set_state_profile(kernel::profile::Profile *profile) WIFI links ---------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Link::set_host_wifi_rate Signals ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Link::on_bandwidth_change .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Link::on_communicate .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Link::on_communication_state_change .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Link::on_creation .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Link::on_destruction .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Link::on_state_change .. _API_s4u_NetZone: ================ ⁣  class NetZone ================ .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include Note that there is no NetZonePtr type and that you cannot use the RAII idiom on network zones because SimGrid does not allow (yet) to create nor destroy resources once the simulation is started. .. group-tab:: C .. code:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_netzone_t .. cpp:type:: const s4u_NetZone* const_sg_netzone_t Pointer to a constant network zone object. Retrieving zones ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ See :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_netzone_root`, :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Engine::netzone_by_name_or_null` and :cpp:func:`simgrid::s4u::Engine::get_filtered_netzones`. .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_zone_get_by_name(const char *name) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_zone_get_root() Querying info -------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::get_cname() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::get_name() const .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_zone_get_name(const_sg_netzone_t zone) User data and properties ------------------------ .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::get_properties() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::get_property(const std::string &key) const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::set_property(const std::string &key, const std::string &value) .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_zone_get_property_value(const_sg_netzone_t as, const char *name) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_zone_set_property_value(sg_netzone_t netzone, const char *name, const char *value) Retrieving components --------------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::get_all_hosts() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::get_host_count() const .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_zone_get_hosts(const_sg_netzone_t zone, xbt_dynar_t whereto) Routing data ------------ .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::add_component(kernel::routing::NetPoint *elm) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::add_route .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::add_bypass_route .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::get_children() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::get_parent() const .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_zone_get_sons(const_sg_netzone_t zone, xbt_dict_t whereto) Signals ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::on_creation .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::NetZone::on_seal .. _API_s4u_VirtualMachine: ======================= ⁣  class VirtualMachine ======================= .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include Note that there is no VirtualMachinePtr type, and that you cannot use the RAII idiom on virtual machines. There is no good reason for that and should change in the future. .. group-tab:: C .. code:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_vm_t .. cpp:type:: const s4u_VirtualMachine* const_sg_vm_t Pointer to a constant virtual machine object. Creating VMs ------------ .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::VirtualMachine(const std::string &name, Host *physical_host, int core_amount) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::VirtualMachine(const std::string &name, Host *physical_host, int core_amount, size_t ramsize) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::destroy .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_create_core .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_create_multicore .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_destroy Querying info -------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::get_pm() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::get_ramsize() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::get_state() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::set_bound(double bound) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::set_pm(Host *pm) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::set_ramsize(size_t ramsize) .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_get_ramsize(const_sg_vm_t vm) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_set_bound(sg_vm_t vm, double bound) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_set_ramsize(sg_vm_t vm, size_t size) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_get_name .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_get_pm .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_is_created .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_is_running .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_is_suspended Life cycle ---------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::resume() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::shutdown() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::start() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::suspend() .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_start .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_suspend .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_resume .. doxygenfunction:: sg_vm_shutdown Signals ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::on_migration_end .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::on_migration_start .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::on_resume .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::on_shutdown .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::on_start .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::on_started .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::VirtualMachine::on_suspend .. _API_s4u_Activity: ============== class Activity ============== .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Activity **Known subclasses:** :ref:`Communications ` (started on Mailboxes and consuming links), :ref:`Executions ` (started on Host and consuming CPU resources) :ref:`I/O ` (started on and consumming disks). See also the :ref:`section on activities ` above. Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include .. doxygentypedef:: ActivityPtr Querying info ------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::get_cname .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::get_name .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::get_remaining() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::get_state() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::set_remaining(double remains) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::set_state(Activity::State state) Activities life cycle --------------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::start .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::cancel .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::test .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::wait .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::wait_for .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::wait_until(double time_limit) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::vetoable_start() Suspending and resuming an activity ----------------------------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::suspend .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::resume .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Activity::is_suspended .. _API_s4u_Comm: ============= ⁣  class Comm ============= .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Comm Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include .. doxygentypedef:: CommPtr .. group-tab:: Python .. code:: Python from simgrid import Comm .. autoclass:: simgrid.Comm .. group-tab:: c .. code:: c #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_comm_t .. doxygentypedef:: const_sg_comm_t Querying info ------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::get_dst_data_size() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::get_mailbox() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::get_sender() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::set_dst_data(void **buff) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::set_dst_data(void **buff, size_t size) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::detach() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::detach(void(*clean_function)(void *)) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::set_payload_size(double bytes) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::set_rate(double rate) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::set_src_data(void *buff) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::set_src_data(void *buff, size_t size) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::set_src_data_size(size_t size) Life cycle ---------- Most communications are created using :ref:`s4u_mailbox`, but you can also start direct communications as shown below. .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::sendto .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::sendto_init .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::sendto_async .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::cancel .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::start .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::test .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::test_any(const std::vector< CommPtr >& comms) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::wait .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::wait_all(const std::vector< CommPtr >& comms) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::wait_all_for(const std::vector< CommPtr >& comms, double timeout) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::wait_any(const std::vector< CommPtr >& comms) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::wait_any_for(const std::vector< CommPtr >& comms, double timeout) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::wait_for .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Comm.test .. automethod:: simgrid.Comm.wait .. automethod:: simgrid.Comm.wait_all .. automethod:: simgrid.Comm.wait_any .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_comm_test .. doxygenfunction:: sg_comm_wait .. doxygenfunction:: sg_comm_wait_all .. doxygenfunction:: sg_comm_wait_any Signals ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::on_completion .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Comm::on_start .. _API_s4u_Exec: ============= ⁣  class Exec ============= .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Exec Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include .. doxygentypedef:: ExecPtr .. group-tab:: Python .. code:: Python from simgrid import Exec .. autoclass:: simgrid.Exec .. group-tab:: C .. code-block:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_exec_t .. doxygentypedef:: const_sg_exec_t Querying info ------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::get_cost() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::get_finish_time() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::get_host() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::get_host_number() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::get_remaining .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::get_remaining_ratio .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::get_start_time() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::set_bound(double bound) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::set_host .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::set_priority(double priority) .. group-tab:: Python .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Exec.host .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Exec.remaining .. autoattribute:: simgrid.Exec.remaining_ratio .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_set_bound(sg_exec_t exec, double bound) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_get_name(const_sg_exec_t exec) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_set_name(sg_exec_t exec, const char* name) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_set_host(sg_exec_t exec, sg_host_t new_host) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_get_remaining(const_sg_exec_t exec) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_get_remaining_ratio(const_sg_exec_t exec) Life cycle ---------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::cancel .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::start .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::test .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::wait .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::wait_any(const std::vector< ExecPtr >& execs) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::wait_any_for(const std::vector< ExecPtr >& execs, double timeout) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::wait_for .. group-tab:: Python .. automethod:: simgrid.Exec.cancel .. automethod:: simgrid.Exec.start .. automethod:: simgrid.Exec.test .. automethod:: simgrid.Exec.wait .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_start(sg_exec_t exec) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_cancel(sg_exec_t exec); .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_test(sg_exec_t exec); .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_wait(sg_exec_t exec); .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_wait_for(sg_exec_t exec, double timeout); .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_wait_any_for(sg_exec_t* execs, size_t count, double timeout); .. doxygenfunction:: sg_exec_wait_any(sg_exec_t* execs, size_t count); Signals ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::on_start .. doxygenvariable:: simgrid::s4u::Exec::on_completion .. _API_s4u_Io: =========== ⁣  class Io =========== .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Io Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include .. doxygentypedef:: IoPtr Querying info ------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Io::get_performed_ioops() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Io::get_remaining Life cycle ---------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Io::cancel .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Io::start .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Io::test .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Io::wait .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Io::wait_for .. _API_s4u_Synchronizations: ======================= Synchronization Objects ======================= .. _API_s4u_Mutex: ============== ⁣  Mutex ============== .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Mutex Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include .. doxygentypedef:: MutexPtr .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mutex::create() .. group-tab:: C .. code-block:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_mutex_t .. cpp:type:: const s4u_Mutex* const_sg_mutex_t Pointer to a constant mutex object. .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mutex_init() .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mutex_destroy(const_sg_mutex_t mutex) Locking ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mutex::lock() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mutex::try_lock() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Mutex::unlock() .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mutex_lock(sg_mutex_t mutex) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mutex_try_lock(sg_mutex_t mutex) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_mutex_unlock(sg_mutex_t mutex) .. _API_s4u_Barrier: ================ ⁣  Barrier ================ .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Barrier .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include .. doxygentypedef:: BarrierPtr .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Barrier::Barrier(unsigned int expected_actors) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Barrier::create(unsigned int expected_actors) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Barrier::wait() .. group-tab:: C .. code-block:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_bar_t .. cpp:type:: const s4u_Barrier* const_sg_bar_t Pointer to a constant barrier object. .. doxygenfunction:: sg_barrier_init(unsigned int count) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_barrier_destroy(const_sg_bar_t bar) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_barrier_wait(sg_bar_t bar) .. _API_s4u_ConditionVariable: ========================== ⁣  Condition variable ========================== .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include .. doxygentypedef:: ConditionVariablePtr .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::create() .. group-tab:: C .. code-block:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_cond_t .. doxygentypedef:: const_sg_cond_t .. doxygenfunction:: sg_cond_init .. doxygenfunction:: sg_cond_destroy Waiting and notifying --------------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::notify_all() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::notify_one() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait(s4u::MutexPtr lock) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait(const std::unique_lock< s4u::Mutex > &lock) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait(const std::unique_lock< Mutex > &lock, P pred) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait_for(const std::unique_lock< s4u::Mutex > &lock, double duration) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait_for(const std::unique_lock< s4u::Mutex > &lock, double duration, P pred) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait_for(const std::unique_lock< s4u::Mutex > &lock, std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > duration) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait_for(const std::unique_lock< s4u::Mutex > &lock, std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > duration, P pred) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait_until(const std::unique_lock< s4u::Mutex > &lock, const SimulationTimePoint< Duration > &timeout_time) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait_until(const std::unique_lock< s4u::Mutex > &lock, const SimulationTimePoint< Duration > &timeout_time, P pred) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait_until(const std::unique_lock< s4u::Mutex > &lock, double timeout_time) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::ConditionVariable::wait_until(const std::unique_lock< s4u::Mutex > &lock, double timeout_time, P pred) .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_cond_notify_all .. doxygenfunction:: sg_cond_notify_one .. doxygenfunction:: sg_cond_wait .. doxygenfunction:: sg_cond_wait_for .. _API_s4u_Semaphore: ================== ⁣  Semaphore ================== .. doxygenclass:: simgrid::s4u::Semaphore Basic management ---------------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. code-block:: C++ #include .. doxygentypedef:: SemaphorePtr .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Semaphore::create(unsigned int initial_capacity) .. group-tab:: C .. code-block:: C #include .. doxygentypedef:: sg_sem_t .. cpp:type:: const s4u_Semaphore* const_sg_sem_t Pointer to a constant semaphore object. .. doxygenfunction:: sg_sem_init(int initial_value) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_sem_destroy(const_sg_sem_t sem) Locking ------- .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: C++ .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Semaphore::acquire() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Semaphore::acquire_timeout(double timeout) .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Semaphore::get_capacity() const .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Semaphore::release() .. doxygenfunction:: simgrid::s4u::Semaphore::would_block() const .. group-tab:: C .. doxygenfunction:: sg_sem_acquire(sg_sem_t sem) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_sem_acquire_timeout(sg_sem_t sem, double timeout) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_sem_get_capacity(const_sg_sem_t sem) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_sem_release(sg_sem_t sem) .. doxygenfunction:: sg_sem_would_block(const_sg_sem_t sem) .. |hr| raw:: html