! This file created from test/mpi/f77/datatype/gaddressf.f with f77tof90 ! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- ! ! ! (C) 2003 by Argonne National Laboratory. ! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. ! program main use mpi integer max_asizev parameter (max_asizev=2) integer (kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) aint, aintv(max_asizev) integer iarray(200), gap, intsize integer ierr, errs errs = 0 call MPI_Init(ierr) call MPI_Get_address( iarray(1), aintv(1), ierr ) call MPI_Get_address( iarray(200), aintv(2), ierr ) gap = aintv(2) - aintv(1) call MPI_Type_size( MPI_INTEGER, intsize, ierr ) if (gap .ne. 199 * intsize) then errs = errs + 1 print *, ' Using get_address, computed a gap of ', gap print *, ' Expected a gap of ', 199 * intsize endif if (errs .gt. 0) then print *, ' Found ', errs, ' errors' else print *, ' No Errors' endif call MPI_Finalize( ierr ) end