3 \item Fields of Applications:
6 \item Security: hash function, steganography, cryptography
7 \item Time Synchronization: GPS
8 \item Numerical simulations: Monte-Carlo algorithms
9 \item<2->\alert{Simulation of Chaotic systems: protein dynamics e.g.}
11 \item Some requirements:
14 %\item Reproducibility: same seed $\leadsto$ same stream
15 \item For cryptography: cryptographically secure
16 \item Successful pass on PRNG batteries of tests:
17 NIST\footnote{E.~Barker and A.~Roginsky.
18 \newblock Draft {N}{I}{S}{T} special publication 800-131 recommendation for the
19 transitioning of cryptographic algorithms and key sizes, 2010.},
20 DieHARD\footnote{G.~Marsaglia.
21 \newblock DieHARD: a battery of tests of randomness.
22 \newblock {\em http://stat.fsu.edu/~geo/diehard.html}, 1996}
23 \item<2-> \alert{Should have chaotic properties }