-We furthermore have exhibited a bound on the number of iterations
-that is sufficient to obtain a uniform distribution of the output.
+We have exhibit an efficient method to compute such a balanced Hamiltonian
+cycle. This method is an algebraic solution of an undeterministic
+approach~\cite{ZanSup04} and has a low complexity.
+According to the authors knowledge, this is the first time a full
+automatic method to provide chaotic PRNGs is given.
+Practically speaking, this approach preserves the security properties of
+the embedded PRNG, even if it remains quite cost expensive.
+We furthermore have exhibited an upper bound on the number of iterations
+that is sufficient to obtain an uniform distribution of the output.
+Such an upper bound is quadratic on the number of bits to output.
+Experiments have however shown that such a bound is in
+$\mathsf{N}.\log(\mathsf{N})$ in practice.