$$\left.\forall i,j \in \mathds{N}, U^i \in \llbracket 1, \mathsf{N} \rrbracket, V^j \in \mathcal{P}\right\}
\subset \mathcal{B}(x,\varepsilon),$$
and $y=G_f^{k_1}(e,(u,v))$. $\Gamma_{\mathcal{P}}(f)$ being strongly connected,
-there is at least a path from the Boolean state $y_1$ of $y$ and $e$ \ANNOT{Phrase pas claire : "from \dots " mais pas de "to \dots"}.
+there is at least a path from the Boolean state $y_1$ of $y$ to $e$.
+%\ANNOT{Phrase pas claire : "from \dots " mais pas de "to \dots"}.
Denote by $a_0, \hdots, a_{k_2}$ the edges of such a path.
Then the point:\linebreak
$(e,((u^0, \dots, u^{v^{k_1-1}},a_0^0, \dots, a_0^{|a_0|}, a_1^0, \dots, a_1^{|a_1|},\dots,