-To avoid this lack of chaos, we have previously presented some PRNGs that iterate
-continuous functions $G_f$ on a discrete domain $\{ 1, \ldots, n \}^{\Nats}
- \times \{0,1\}^n$, where $f$ is a Boolean function (\textit{i.e.}, $f :
- \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^n$). These generators are
-$\textit{CIPRNG}_f^1(u)$ \cite{guyeuxTaiwan10,bcgr11:ip},
-$\textit{CIPRNG}_f^2(u,v)$ \cite{wbg10ip} and
-$\chi_{\textit{14Secrypt}}$ \cite{chgw14oip} where \textit{CI} means
-\emph{Chaotic Iterations}.
-We have firstly proven in~\cite{bcgr11:ip} that, to establish the chaotic nature
-of algorithm $\textit{CIPRNG}_f^1$, it is necessary and sufficient that the
-asynchronous iterations are strongly connected. We then have proven that it is necessary
-and sufficient that the Markov matrix associated to this graph is doubly stochastic,
-in order to have a uniform distribution of the outputs. We have finally established
-sufficient conditions to guarantee the first property of connectivity. Among the
-generated functions, we thus have considered for further investigations only the ones that
-satisfy the second property too. In~\cite{chgw14oip}, we have proposed an algorithmic
-method allowing to directly obtain a strongly connected iteration graph having a doubly
-stochastic Markov matrix.
+To avoid this lack of chaos, we have previously presented some PRNGs
+that iterate continuous functions $G_f$ on a discrete domain $\{ 1,
+\ldots, n \}^{\Nats} \times \{0,1\}^n$, where $f$ is a Boolean
+function (\textit{i.e.}, $f : \{0,1\}^{\mathsf{N}}
+\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{\mathsf{N}}$).
+These generators are $\textit{CIPRNG}_f^1(u)$
+\cite{guyeuxTaiwan10,bcgr11:ip}, $\textit{CIPRNG}_f^2(u,v)$
+\cite{wbg10ip} and $\chi_{\textit{14Secrypt}}$
+\cite{DBLP:conf/secrypt/CouchotHGWB14} where \textit{CI} means
+\emph{Chaotic Iterations}. We have firstly proven in~\cite{bcgr11:ip}
+that, to establish the chaotic nature of algorithm
+$\textit{CIPRNG}_f^1$, it is necessary and sufficient that the
+asynchronous iterations are strongly connected. We then have proven
+that it is necessary and sufficient that the Markov matrix associated
+to this graph is doubly stochastic, in order to have a uniform
+distribution of the outputs. We have finally established sufficient
+conditions to guarantee the first property of connectivity. Among the
+generated functions, we thus have considered for further
+investigations only the ones that satisfy the second property