OPTmonth = {},
-inhal = {no},
-equipe = {ie},
-classement = {COM},
-author = {Couchot, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois and H\'eam, Pierre-Cyrille and Guyeux, Christophe and Wang, Qianxue and Bahi, Jacques},
-title = {Pseudorandom Number Generators with Balanced Gray Codes},
-booktitle = {Secrypt 2014, 11th Int. Conf. on Security and Cryptography},
-pages = {469--475},
-address = {Vienna, Austria},
-month = aug,
-date = {28-30 aout},
-year = 2014,
-note = {Position short paper},
OPTkey = {},
pages = "267--272",
URL = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ipl.2008.10.015",
author = {Jean{-}Fran{\c{c}}ois Couchot and
Pierre{-}Cyrille H{\'{e}}am and
ee = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1112.5239}
+ author = {Girish S. Bhat and
+ Carla D. Savage},
+ title = {Balanced Gray Codes},
+ journal = {Electr. J. Comb.},
+ volume = {3},
+ number = {1},
+ year = {1996},
+ url = {http://www.combinatorics.org/Volume_3/Abstracts/v3i1r25.html},
+ timestamp = {Tue, 05 Oct 2004 14:51:02 +0200},
+ biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/combinatorics/BhatS96},
+ bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org}
+author="Bykov, I. S.",
+title="On locally balanced gray codes",
+journal="Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics",
+abstract="We consider locally balanced Gray codes.We say that a Gray code is locally balanced if every ``short'' subword in its transition sequence contains all letters of the alphabet |1, 2,..., n{\textasciitilde}. The minimal length of these subwords is the window width of the code. We show that for each n ≥ 3 there exists a Gray code with window width at most n + 3⌊log n⌋.",
+ author = {Robinson, John P. and Cohn, Martin},
+ title = {Counting Sequences},
+ journal = {IEEE Trans. Comput.},
+ issue_date = {January 1981},
+ volume = {30},
+ number = {1},
+ month = jan,
+ year = {1981},
+ issn = {0018-9340},
+ pages = {17--23},
+ numpages = {7},
+ url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1963620.1963622},
+ acmid = {1963622},
+ publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
+ address = {Washington, DC, USA},
+ keywords = {circuit testing, counters, gray codes, hamming distance, transition counts, uniform distance},
+ title={Mersenne twister: a 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudo-random number generator},
+ author={Matsumoto, Makoto and Nishimura, Takuji},
+ journal={ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS)},
+ volume={8},
+ number={1},
+ pages={3--30},
+ year={1998},
+ publisher={ACM}
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