# Makefile for AES examples on Raspberry Pi
# License: GPL (General Public License)
# Author:  gnulnulf <arco@appeltaart.mine.nu>
# Date:    2013/02/07 (version 1.0)
# Description:
# ------------
# use make all and make install to install the examples
# You can change the install directory by editing the prefix line
prefix := /usr/local

# The recommended compiler flags for the Raspberry Pi
CCFLAGS=-Ofast -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s

# define all programs
PROGRAMS = aes test_vectors

all: ${PROGRAMS}

	g++ ${CCFLAGS} -Wall -I../ -lAES $@.cpp -o $@

	rm -rf $(PROGRAMS)

install: all
	test -d $(prefix) || mkdir $(prefix)
	test -d $(prefix)/bin || mkdir $(prefix)/bin
	for prog in $(PROGRAMS); do \
	  install -m 0755 $$prog $(prefix)/bin; \

.PHONY: install