+ author = {Satish Balay and Shrirang Abhyankar and Mark~F. Adams and Jed Brown and Peter Brune
+ and Kris Buschelman and Victor Eijkhout and William~D. Gropp
+ and Dinesh Kaushik and Matthew~G. Knepley
+ and Lois Curfman McInnes and Karl Rupp and Barry~F. Smith
+ and Hong Zhang},
+ title = {{PETS}c {W}eb page},
+ url = {http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc},
+ howpublished = {\url{http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc}},
+ year = {2014}
+ }
+ author = {Davis, T. and Hu, Y.},
+ title = {The {U}niversity of {F}lorida Sparse Matrix Collection},
+ year = {1997},
+ note = {Digest, \url{http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/matrices/}},
+ }
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