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% affiliations
-\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Rapha\"el Couturier\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, Lilia Ziane Khodja \IEEEauthorrefmark{2}, and Christophe Guyeux\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}}
+\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Rapha\"el Couturier\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, Lilia Ziane Khodja\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}, and Christophe Guyeux\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}}
\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{1} Femto-ST Institute, University of Franche Comte, France\\
Email: \{raphael.couturier,christophe.guyeux\}@univ-fcomte.fr}
\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{2} INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France\\
Let us recall the following result, see~\cite{Saad86}.
Suppose that $A$ is a positive real matrix with symmetric part $M$. Then the residual norm provided at the $m$-th step of GMRES satisfies:
||r_m|| \leqslant \left(1-\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta}\right)^{\frac{m}{2}} ||r_0|| ,
-where $\alpha = \lambda_min(M)^2$ and $\beta = \lambda_max(A^T A)$, which proves
+where $\alpha = \lambda_{min}(M)^2$ and $\beta = \lambda_{max}(A^T A)$, which proves
the convergence of GMRES($m$) for all $m$ under that assumption regarding $A$.
We can now claim that,
-If $A$ is a positive real matrix and GMRES($m$) is used as solver, then the TSIRM algorithm is convergent.
+If $A$ is a positive real matrix and GMRES($m$) is used as solver, then the TSIRM algorithm is convergent. Furthermore,
+let $r_k$ be the
+$k$-th residue of TSIRM, then
+we still have:
+||r_k|| \leqslant \left(1-\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta}\right)^{\frac{km}{2}} ||r_0|| ,
+where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are defined as in Proposition~\ref{prop:saad}.
-Let $r_k = b-Ax_k$, where $x_k$ is the approximation of the solution after the
-$k$-th iterate of TSIRM.
-We will prove that $r_k \rightarrow 0$ when $k \rightarrow +\infty$.
+We will prove by a mathematical induction that, for each $k \in \mathbb{N}^\ast$,
+$||r_k|| \leqslant \left(1-\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta}\right)^{\frac{mk}{2}} ||r_0||.$
+The base case is obvious, as for $k=1$, the TSIRM algorithm simply consists in applying GMRES($m$) once, leading to a new residual $r_1$ which follows the inductive hypothesis due to Proposition~\ref{prop:saad}.
-Each step of the TSIRM algorithm \\
+Suppose now that the claim holds for all $m=1, 2, \hdots, k-1$, that is, $\forall m \in \{1,2,\hdots, k-1\}$, $||r_m|| \leqslant \left(1-\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta}\right)^{\frac{km}{2}} ||r_0||$.
+We will show that the statement holds too for $r_k$. Two situations can occur:
+\item If $k \mod m \neq 0$, then the TSIRM algorithm consists in executing GMRES once. In that case, we obtain $||r_k|| \leqslant \left(1-\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta}\right)^{\frac{m}{2}} ||r_{k-1}||\leqslant \left(1-\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta}\right)^{\frac{km}{2}} ||r_0||$ by the inductive hypothesis.
+\item Else, the TSIRM algorithm consists in two stages: a first GMRES($m$) execution leads to a temporary $x_k$ whose residue satisfies $||r_k|| \leqslant \left(1-\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta}\right)^{\frac{m}{2}} ||r_{k-1}||\leqslant \left(1-\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta}\right)^{\frac{km}{2}} ||r_0||$, and a least squares resolution.
+Let $\operatorname{span}(S) = \left \{ {\sum_{i=1}^k \lambda_i v_i \Big| k \in \mathbb{N}, v_i \in S, \lambda _i \in \mathbb{R}} \right \}$ be the linear span of a set of real vectors $S$. So,\\
$\min_{\alpha \in \mathbb{R}^s} ||b-R\alpha ||_2 = \min_{\alpha \in \mathbb{R}^s} ||b-AS\alpha ||_2$
-& = \min_{x \in Vect\left(S_{k-s}, S_{k-s+1}, \hdots, S_{k-1} \right)} ||b-AS\alpha ||_2\\
-& = \min_{x \in Vect\left(x_{k-s}, x_{k-s}+1, \hdots, x_{k-1} \right)} ||b-AS\alpha ||_2\\
-& \leqslant \min_{x \in Vect\left( x_{k-1} \right)} ||b-Ax ||_2\\
-& \leqslant ||b-Ax_{k-1}||
+& = \min_{x \in span\left(S_{k-s}, S_{k-s+1}, \hdots, S_{k-1} \right)} ||b-AS\alpha ||_2\\
+& = \min_{x \in span\left(x_{k-s}, x_{k-s}+1, \hdots, x_{k-1} \right)} ||b-AS\alpha ||_2\\
+& \leqslant \min_{x \in span\left( x_{k-1} \right)} ||b-Ax ||_2\\
+& \leqslant \min_{\lambda \in \mathbb{R}} ||b-\lambda Ax_{k-1} ||_2\\
+& \leqslant ||b-Ax_{k-1}||_2 .
+We can remark that, at each iterate, the residue of the TSIRM algorithm is lower
+than the one of the GMRES method.
-\caption{Comparison of (F)GMRES and 2 stage (F)GMRES algorithms in sequential with some matrices, time is expressed in seconds.}
+\caption{Comparison of (F)GMRES and TSIRM with (F)GMRES in sequential with some matrices, time is expressed in seconds.}
example ex15 of PETSc on the Juqueen architecture. Different numbers of cores
are studied ranging from 2,048 up-to 16,383. Two preconditioners have been
tested: {\it mg} and {\it sor}. For those experiments, the number of components (or unknowns of the
-problems) per processor is fixed to 25,000, also called weak scaling. This
+problems) per core is fixed to 25,000, also called weak scaling. This
number can seem relatively small. In fact, for some applications that need a lot
of memory, the number of components per processor requires sometimes to be
- nb. cores & threshold & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{GMRES} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM CGLS} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM LSQR} & best gain \\
+ nb. cores & threshold & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{FGMRES} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM CGLS} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM LSQR} & best gain \\
& & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & \\\hline \hline
2,048 & 8e-5 & 108.88 & 16,560 & 23.06 & 3,630 & 22.79 & 3,630 & 4.77 \\
-\caption{Comparison of FGMRES and 2 stage FGMRES algorithms for ex54 of Petsc (both with the MG preconditioner) with 25000 components per core on Curie (restart=30, s=12), time is expressed in seconds.}
+\caption{Comparison of FGMRES and TSIRM with FGMRES algorithms for ex54 of Petsc (both with the MG preconditioner) with 25,000 components per core on Curie (restart=30, s=12), time is expressed in seconds.}
- nb. cores & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{GMRES} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM CGLS} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM LSQR} & best gain & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{efficiency} \\
+ nb. cores & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{FGMRES} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM CGLS} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM LSQR} & best gain & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{efficiency} \\
\cline{2-7} \cline{9-11}
- & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & & GMRES & TS CGLS & TS LSQR\\\hline \hline
+ & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & & FGMRES & TS CGLS & TS LSQR\\\hline \hline
512 & 3,969.69 & 33,120 & 709.57 & 5,790 & 622.76 & 5,070 & 6.37 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
1024 & 1,530.06 & 25,860 & 290.95 & 4,830 & 307.71 & 5,070 & 5.25 & 1.30 & 1.21 & 1.01 \\
2048 & 919.62 & 31,470 & 237.52 & 8,040 & 194.22 & 6,510 & 4.73 & 1.08 & .75 & .80\\
-\caption{Comparison of FGMRES and 2 stage FGMRES algorithms for ex54 of Petsc (both with the MG preconditioner) with 204,919,225 components on Curie with different number of cores (restart=30, s=12, threshol 5e-5), time is expressed in seconds.}
+\caption{Comparison of FGMRES and TSIRM with FGMRES for ex54 of Petsc (both with the MG preconditioner) with 204,919,225 components on Curie with different number of cores (restart=30, s=12, threshold 5e-5), time is expressed in seconds.}
future plan : \\
- study other kinds of matrices, problems, inner solvers\\
-- test the influence of all the parameters\\
+- test the influence of all parameters\\
- adaptative number of outer iterations to minimize\\
- other methods to minimize the residuals?\\
- implement our solver inside PETSc
This paper is partially funded by the Labex ACTION program (contract
-ANR-11-LABX-01-01). We acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to resource
+ANR-11-LABX-01-01). We acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to resources
Curie and Juqueen respectively based in France and Germany.
% that's all folks