-Algorithm~\ref{algo:01} summarizes the principle of our method. The outer
-iteration is inside the for loop. Line~\ref{algo:solve}, the Krylov method is
-called for a maximum of $max\_iter_{kryl}$ iterations. In practice, we suggest to set this parameter
-equals to the restart number of the GMRES-like method. Moreover, a tolerance
-threshold must be specified for the solver. In practice, this threshold must be
-much smaller than the convergence threshold of the TSIRM algorithm (\emph{i.e.}
-$\epsilon_{tsirm}$). Line~\ref{algo:store}, $S_{k \mod s}=x^k$ consists in copying the
-solution $x_k$ into the column $k \mod s$ of the matrix $S$, where $S$ is a matrix of size $n\times s$ whose column vector $i$ is denoted by $S_i$. After the
-minimization, the matrix $S$ is reused with the new values of the residuals. To
-solve the minimization problem, an iterative method is used. Two parameters are
-required for that: the maximum number of iterations and the threshold to stop the
+Algorithm~\ref{algo:01} summarizes the principle of the proposed method. The
+outer iteration is inside the \emph{for} loop. Line~\ref{algo:solve}, the Krylov
+method is called for a maximum of $max\_iter_{kryl}$ iterations. In practice,
+we suggest to set this parameter equal to the restart number in the GMRES-like
+method. Moreover, a tolerance threshold must be specified for the solver. In
+practice, this threshold must be much smaller than the convergence threshold of
+the TSIRM algorithm (\emph{i.e.}, $\epsilon_{tsirm}$). We also consider that
+after the call of the $Solve$ function, we obtain the vector $x_k$ and the error
+which is defined by $||Ax^k-b||_2$.
+ Line~\ref{algo:store},
+$S_{k \mod s}=x^k$ consists in copying the solution $x_k$ into the column $k
+\mod s$ of $S$. After the minimization, the matrix $S$ is reused with the new
+values of the residuals. To solve the minimization problem, an iterative method
+is used. Two parameters are required for that: the maximum number of iterations
+and the threshold to stop the method.