+Table~\ref{tab:03} shows the execution times and the number of iterations of
+example ex15 of PETSc on the Juqueen architecture. Differents number of cores
+are studied rangin from 2,048 upto 16,383. Two preconditioners have been
+tested. For those experiments, the number of components (or unknown of the
+problems) per processor is fixed to 25,000. This number can seem relatively
+small. In fact, for some applications that need a lot of memory, the number of
+components per processor requires sometimes to be small.
+In this Table, we can notice that TSARM is always faster than FGMRES. The last
+column shows the ratio between FGMRES and the best version of TSARM according to
+the minimization procedure: CGLS or LSQR.
+ \includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{nb_iter_sec_ex15_juqueen}
+\caption{Number of iterations per second with ex15 and the same parameters than in Table~\ref{tab:03}}