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% paper title
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-\title{A Krylov two-stage algorithm to solve large sparse linear systems}
-%\title{A two-stage algorithm with error minimization to solve large sparse linear systems}
+\title{TSIRM: A Two-Stage Iteration with least-squares Residual Minimization algorithm to solve large sparse linear systems}
% author names and affiliations
% use a multiple column layout for up to two different
% affiliations
-\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Rapha\"el Couturier}
-\IEEEauthorblockA{Femto-ST Institute - DISC Department\\
-Universit\'e de Franche-Comt\'e, IUT de Belfort-Montb\'eliard\\
-19 avenue de Mar\'echal Juin, BP 527 \\
-90016 Belfort Cedex, France\\
-Email: raphael.couturier@univ-fcomte.fr}
-\IEEEauthorblockN{Lilia Ziane Khodja}
-\IEEEauthorblockA{Centre de Recherche INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest\\
-200 avenue de la Vieille Tour\\
-33405 Talence Cedex, France\\
+\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Rapha\"el Couturier\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, Lilia Ziane Khodja \IEEEauthorrefmark{2}, and Christophe Guyeux\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}}
+\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{1} Femto-ST Institute, University of Franche Comte, France\\
+Email: \{raphael.couturier,christophe.guyeux\}@univ-fcomte.fr}
+\IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{2} INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France\\
Email: lilia.ziane@inria.fr}
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+In this article, a two-stage iterative algorithm is proposed to improve the
+convergence of Krylov based iterative methods, typically those of GMRES
+variants. The principle of the proposed approach is to build an external
+iteration over the Krylov method, and to frequently store its current residual
+(at each GMRES restart for instance). After a given number of outer iterations,
+a least-squares minimization step is applied on the matrix composed by the saved
+residuals, in order to compute a better solution and to make new iterations if
+required. It is proven that the proposal has the same convergence properties
+than the inner embedded method itself. Experiments using up to 16,394 cores
+also show that the proposed algorithm runs around 5 or 7 times faster than
-Iterative Krylov methods; sparse linear systems; error minimization; PETSc; %à voir...
+Iterative Krylov methods; sparse linear systems; residual minimization; PETSc; %à voir...
% no \IEEEPARstart
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% (should never be an issue)
-Iterative methods are become more attractive than direct ones to solve very
-large sparse linear systems. They are more effective in a parallel context and
-require less memory and arithmetic operations than direct methods. A number of
-iterative methods are proposed and adapted by many researchers and the increased
-need for solving very large sparse linear systems triggered the development of
-efficient iterative techniques suitable for the parallel processing.
-Most of the successful iterative methods currently available are based on Krylov
-subspaces which consist in forming a basis of a sequence of successive matrix
-powers times an initial vector for example the residual. These methods are based
-on orthogonality of vectors of the Krylov subspace basis to solve linear
-systems. The most well-known iterative Krylov subspace methods are Conjugate
-Gradient method and GMRES method (generalized minimal residual).
+Iterative methods have recently become more attractive than direct ones to solve very large
+sparse linear systems. They are more efficient in a parallel
+context, supporting thousands of cores, and they require less memory and arithmetic
+operations than direct methods. This is why new iterative methods are frequently
+proposed or adapted by researchers, and the increasing need to solve very large sparse
+linear systems has triggered the development of such efficient iterative techniques
+suitable for parallel processing.
+Most of the successful iterative methods currently available are based on so-called ``Krylov
+subspaces''. They consist in forming a basis of successive matrix
+powers multiplied by an initial vector, which can be for instance the residual. These methods use vectors orthogonality of the Krylov subspace basis in order to solve linear
+systems. The most known iterative Krylov subspace methods are conjugate
+gradient and GMRES ones (Generalized Minimal RESidual).
However, iterative methods suffer from scalability problems on parallel
-computing platforms with many processors due to their need for reduction
-operations and collective communications to perform matrix-vector
+computing platforms with many processors, due to their need of reduction
+operations, and to collective communications to achive matrix-vector
multiplications. The communications on large clusters with thousands of cores
-and large sizes of messages can significantly affect the performances of
-iterative methods. In practice, Krylov subspace iteration methods are often used
-with preconditioners in order to increase their convergence and accelerate their
+and large sizes of messages can significantly affect the performances of these
+iterative methods. As a consequence, Krylov subspace iteration methods are often used
+with preconditioners in practice, to increase their convergence and accelerate their
performances. However, most of the good preconditioners are not scalable on
large clusters.
-In this paper we propose a two-stage algorithm based on two nested iterations
-called inner-outer iterations. This algorithm consists in solving the sparse
-linear system iteratively with a small number of inner iterations and restarts
-the outer step with a new solution minimizing some error functions over a Krylov
-subspace. This algorithm is iterative and easy to parallelize on large clusters
-and the minimization technique improves its convergence and performances.
-The present paper is organized as follows. In Section~\ref{sec:02} some related
-works are presented. Section~\ref{sec:03} presents our two-stage algorithm based
-on Krylov subspace iteration methods. Section~\ref{sec:04} shows some
-experimental results obtained on large clusters of our algorithm using routines
-of PETSc toolkit.
+In this research work, a two-stage algorithm based on two nested iterations
+called inner-outer iterations is proposed. This algorithm consists in solving the sparse
+linear system iteratively with a small number of inner iterations, and restarting
+the outer step with a new solution minimizing some error functions over some
+previous residuals. This algorithm is iterative and easy to parallelize on large
+clusters. Furthermore, the minimization technique improves its convergence and
+The present article is organized as follows. Related works are presented in
+Section~\ref{sec:02}. Section~\ref{sec:03} details the two-stage algorithm using
+a least-squares residual minimization, while Section~\ref{sec:04} provides
+convergence results regarding this method. Section~\ref{sec:05} shows some
+experimental results obtained on large clusters using routines of PETSc
+toolkit. This research work ends by a conclusion section, in which the proposal
+is summarized while intended perspectives are provided.
-\section{A Krylov two-stage algorithm}
+\section{Two-stage iteration with least-squares residuals minimization algorithm}
A two-stage algorithm is proposed to solve large sparse linear systems of the
form $Ax=b$, where $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ is a sparse and square
-nonsingular matrix, $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$ is the solution vector and
-$b\in\mathbb{R}^n$ is the right-hand side. The algorithm is implemented as an
-inner-outer iteration solver based on iterative Krylov methods. The main key
-points of our solver are given in Algorithm~\ref{algo:01}.
-In order to accelerate the convergence, the outer iteration is implemented as an
-iterative Krylov method which minimizes some error functions over a Krylov
-subspace~\cite{saad96}. At each iteration, the sparse linear system $Ax=b$ is
-solved iteratively with an iterative method, for example GMRES
-method~\cite{saad86} or some of its variants, and the Krylov subspace that we
-used is spanned by a basis $S$ composed of successive solutions issued from the
-inner iteration
- S = \{x^1, x^2, \ldots, x^s\} \text{,~} s\leq n.
-The advantage of such a Krylov subspace is that we neither need an orthogonal
-basis nor any synchronization between processors to generate this basis. The
-algorithm is periodically restarted every $s$ iterations with a new initial
-guess $x=S\alpha$ which minimizes the residual norm $\|b-Ax\|_2$ over the Krylov
-subspace spanned by vectors of $S$, where $\alpha$ is a solution of the normal
- R^TR\alpha = R^Tb,
-which is associated with the least-squares problem
+nonsingular matrix, $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$ is the solution vector, and
+$b\in\mathbb{R}^n$ is the right-hand side. As explained previously,
+the algorithm is implemented as an
+inner-outer iteration solver based on iterative Krylov methods. The main
+key-points of the proposed solver are given in Algorithm~\ref{algo:01}.
+It can be summarized as follows: the
+inner solver is a Krylov based one. In order to accelerate its convergence, the
+outer solver periodically applies a least-squares minimization on the residuals computed by the inner one. %Tsolver which does not required to be changed.
+At each outer iteration, the sparse linear system $Ax=b$ is partially
+solved using only $m$
+iterations of an iterative method, this latter being initialized with the
+best known approximation previously obtained.
+GMRES method~\cite{Saad86}, or any of its variants, can be used for instance as an
+inner solver. The current approximation of the Krylov method is then stored inside a matrix
+$S$ composed by the successive solutions that are computed during inner iterations.
+At each $s$ iterations, the minimization step is applied in order to
+compute a new solution $x$. For that, the previous residuals of $Ax=b$ are computed by
+the inner iterations with $(b-AS)$. The minimization of the residuals is obtained by
-such that $R=AS$ is a dense rectangular matrix in $\mathbb{R}^{n\times s}$,
-$s\ll n$, and $R^T$ denotes the transpose of matrix $R$. We use an iterative
-method to solve the least-squares problem~(\ref{eq:01}) such as CGLS
-~\cite{hestenes52} or LSQR~\cite{paige82} which are more appropriate than a
-direct method in the parallel context.
+with $R=AS$. Then the new solution $x$ is computed with $x=S\alpha$.
+In practice, $R$ is a dense rectangular matrix belonging in $\mathbb{R}^{n\times s}$,
+with $s\ll n$. In order to minimize~\eqref{eq:01}, a least-squares method such as
+CGLS ~\cite{Hestenes52} or LSQR~\cite{Paige82} is used. Remark that these methods are more
+appropriate than a single direct method in a parallel context.
-\caption{A Krylov two-stage algorithm}
\Input $A$ (sparse matrix), $b$ (right-hand side)
\Output $x$ (solution vector)\vspace{0.2cm}
- \State Set the initial guess $x^0$
- \For {$k=1,2,3,\ldots$ until convergence}
- \State Solve iteratively $Ax^k=b$
- \State $S_{k~mod~s}=x^k$
- \If {$k$ mod $s=0$ {\bf and} not convergence}
- \State Compute dense matrix $R=AS$
- \State Solve least-squares problem $\underset{\alpha\in\mathbb{R}^{s}}{min}\|b-R\alpha\|_2$
- \State Compute minimizer $x^k=S\alpha$
+ \State Set the initial guess $x_0$
+ \For {$k=1,2,3,\ldots$ until convergence (error$<\epsilon_{tsirm}$)} \label{algo:conv}
+ \State $x_k=Solve(A,b,x_{k-1},max\_iter_{kryl})$ \label{algo:solve}
+ \State retrieve error
+ \State $S_{k \mod s}=x_k$ \label{algo:store}
+ \If {$k \mod s=0$ {\bf and} error$>\epsilon_{kryl}$}
+ \State $R=AS$ \Comment{compute dense matrix} \label{algo:matrix_mul}
+ \State $\alpha=Least\_Squares(R,b,max\_iter_{ls})$ \label{algo:}
+ \State $x_k=S\alpha$ \Comment{compute new solution}
-Operation $S_{k~ mod~ s}=x^k$ consists in copying the residual $x_k$ into the
-column $k~ mod~ s$ of the matrix $S$. After the minimization, the matrix $S$ is
-reused with the new values of the residuals.
+Algorithm~\ref{algo:01} summarizes the principle of our method. The outer
+iteration is inside the for loop. Line~\ref{algo:solve}, the Krylov method is
+called for a maximum of $max\_iter_{kryl}$ iterations. In practice, we suggest to set this parameter
+equals to the restart number of the GMRES-like method. Moreover, a tolerance
+threshold must be specified for the solver. In practice, this threshold must be
+much smaller than the convergence threshold of the TSIRM algorithm (\emph{i.e.}
+$\epsilon_{tsirm}$). Line~\ref{algo:store}, $S_{k \mod s}=x^k$ consists in copying the
+solution $x_k$ into the column $k \mod s$ of the matrix $S$, where $S$ is a matrix of size $n\times s$ whose column vector $i$ is denoted by $S_i$. After the
+minimization, the matrix $S$ is reused with the new values of the residuals. To
+solve the minimization problem, an iterative method is used. Two parameters are
+required for that: the maximum number of iterations and the threshold to stop the
+Let us summarize the most important parameters of TSIRM:
+\item $\epsilon_{tsirm}$: the threshold to stop the TSIRM method;
+\item $max\_iter_{kryl}$: the maximum number of iterations for the Krylov method;
+\item $s$: the number of outer iterations before applying the minimization step;
+\item $max\_iter_{ls}$: the maximum number of iterations for the iterative least-squares method;
+\item $\epsilon_{ls}$: the threshold used to stop the least-squares method.
+The parallelization of TSIRM relies on the parallelization of all its
+parts. More precisely, except the least-squares step, all the other parts are
+obvious to achieve out in parallel. In order to develop a parallel version of
+our code, we have chosen to use PETSc~\cite{petsc-web-page}. For
+line~\ref{algo:matrix_mul} the matrix-matrix multiplication is implemented and
+efficient since the matrix $A$ is sparse and since the matrix $S$ contains few
+columns in practice. As explained previously, at least two methods seem to be
+interesting to solve the least-squares minimization, CGLS and LSQR.
+In the following we remind the CGLS algorithm. The LSQR method follows more or
+less the same principle but it takes more place, so we briefly explain the parallelization of CGLS which is similar to LSQR.
+ \Input $A$ (matrix), $b$ (right-hand side)
+ \Output $x$ (solution vector)\vspace{0.2cm}
+ \State Let $x_0$ be an initial approximation
+ \State $r_0=b-Ax_0$
+ \State $p_1=A^Tr_0$
+ \State $s_0=p_1$
+ \State $\gamma=||s_0||^2_2$
+ \For {$k=1,2,3,\ldots$ until convergence ($\gamma<\epsilon_{ls}$)} \label{algo2:conv}
+ \State $q_k=Ap_k$
+ \State $\alpha_k=\gamma/||q_k||^2_2$
+ \State $x_k=x_{k-1}+\alpha_kp_k$
+ \State $r_k=r_{k-1}-\alpha_kq_k$
+ \State $s_k=A^Tr_k$
+ \State $\gamma_{old}=\gamma$
+ \State $\gamma=||s_k||^2_2$
+ \State $\beta_k=\gamma/\gamma_{old}$
+ \State $p_{k+1}=s_k+\beta_kp_k$
+ \EndFor
+In each iteration of CGLS, there is two matrix-vector multiplications and some
+classical operations: dot product, norm, multiplication and addition on vectors. All
+these operations are easy to implement in PETSc or similar environment.
+\section{Convergence results}
+Let us recall the following result, see~\cite{Saad86}.
+Suppose that $A$ is a positive real matrix with symmetric part $M$. Then the residual norm provided at the $m$-th step of GMRES satisfies:
+||r_m|| \leqslant \left(1-\dfrac{\alpha}{\beta}\right)^{\frac{m}{2}} ||r_0|| ,
+where $\alpha = \lambda_min(M)^2$ and $\beta = \lambda_max(A^T A)$, which proves
+the convergence of GMRES($m$) for all $m$ under that assumption regarding $A$.
+We can now claim that,
+If $A$ is a positive real matrix and GMRES($m$) is used as solver, then the TSIRM algorithm is convergent.
+Let $r_k = b-Ax_k$, where $x_k$ is the approximation of the solution after the
+$k$-th iterate of TSIRM.
+We will prove that $r_k \rightarrow 0$ when $k \rightarrow +\infty$.
+Each step of the TSIRM algorithm \\
+$\min_{\alpha \in \mathbb{R}^s} ||b-R\alpha ||_2 = \min_{\alpha \in \mathbb{R}^s} ||b-AS\alpha ||_2$
+& = \min_{x \in Vect\left(S_{k-s}, S_{k-s+1}, \hdots, S_{k-1} \right)} ||b-AS\alpha ||_2\\
+& = \min_{x \in Vect\left(x_{k-s}, x_{k-s}+1, \hdots, x_{k-1} \right)} ||b-AS\alpha ||_2\\
+& \leqslant \min_{x \in Vect\left( x_{k-1} \right)} ||b-Ax ||_2\\
+& \leqslant ||b-Ax_{k-1}||
-\section{Experiments using petsc}
+\section{Experiments using PETSc}
In order to see the influence of our algorithm with only one processor, we first
show a comparison with the standard version of GMRES and our algorithm. In
-table~\ref{tab:01}, we show the matrices we have used and some of them
+Table~\ref{tab:01}, we show the matrices we have used and some of them
+characteristics. For all the matrices, the name, the field, the number of rows
+and the number of nonzero elements are given.
Matrix name & Field &\# Rows & \# Nonzeros \\\hline \hline
crashbasis & Optimization & 160,000 & 1,750,416 \\
-parabolic\_fem & Computational fluid dynamics & 525,825 & 2,100,225 \\
+parabolic\_fem & Comput. fluid dynamics & 525,825 & 2,100,225 \\
epb3 & Thermal problem & 84,617 & 463,625 \\
-atmosmodj & Computational fluid dynamics & 1,270,432 & 8,814,880 \\
-bfwa398 & Electromagnetics problem & 398 & 3,678 \\
+atmosmodj & Comput. fluid dynamics & 1,270,432 & 8,814,880 \\
+bfwa398 & Electromagnetics pb & 398 & 3,678 \\
torso3 & 2D/3D problem & 259,156 & 4,429,042 \\
+The following parameters have been chosen for our experiments. As by default
+the restart of GMRES is performed every 30 iterations, we have chosen to stop
+the GMRES every 30 iterations (\emph{i.e.} $max\_iter_{kryl}=30$). $s$ is set to 8. CGLS is
+chosen to minimize the least-squares problem with the following parameters:
+$\epsilon_{ls}=1e-40$ and $max\_iter_{ls}=20$. The external precision is set to
+$\epsilon_{tsirm}=1e-10$. Those experiments have been performed on a Intel(R)
+Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz with the version 3.5.1 of PETSc.
+In Table~\ref{tab:02}, some experiments comparing the solving of the linear
+systems obtained with the previous matrices with a GMRES variant and with out 2
+stage algorithm are given. In the second column, it can be noticed that either
+gmres or fgmres is used to solve the linear system. According to the matrices,
+different preconditioner is used. With TSIRM, the same solver and the same
+preconditionner are used. This Table shows that TSIRM can drastically reduce the
+number of iterations to reach the convergence when the number of iterations for
+the normal GMRES is more or less greater than 500. In fact this also depends on
+tow parameters: the number of iterations to stop GMRES and the number of
+iterations to perform the minimization.
+ \multirow{2}{*}{Matrix name} & Solver / & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{GMRES} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM CGLS} \\
+ & precond & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. \\\hline \hline
+crashbasis & gmres / none & 15.65 & 518 & 14.12 & 450 \\
+parabolic\_fem & gmres / ilu & 1009.94 & 7573 & 401.52 & 2970 \\
+epb3 & fgmres / sor & 8.67 & 600 & 8.21 & 540 \\
+atmosmodj & fgmres / sor & 104.23 & 451 & 88.97 & 366 \\
+bfwa398 & gmres / none & 1.42 & 9612 & 0.28 & 1650 \\
+torso3 & fgmres / sor & 37.70 & 565 & 34.97 & 510 \\
+\caption{Comparison of (F)GMRES and 2 stage (F)GMRES algorithms in sequential with some matrices, time is expressed in seconds.}
-%% \begin{table}
-%% \begin{center}
-%% \begin{tabular}{|c|c|r|r|r|}
-%% \hline
-%% Matrix name & GMRES version &\# Rows & \# Nonzeros \\\hline \hline
-%% crashbasis & GMRES & Optimization & 160,000 & 1,750,416 \\
-%% parabolic\_fem & & Computational fluid dynamics & 525,825 & 2,100,225 \\
-%% epb3 & & Thermal problem & 84,617 & 463,625 \\
-%% atmosmodj & Computational fluid dynamics & 1,270,432 & 8,814,880 \\
-%% bfwa398 & Electromagnetics problem & 398 & 3,678 \\
-%% torso3 & 2D/3D problem & 259,156 & 4,429,042 \\
-%% \hline
-%% \end{tabular}
-%% \caption{Comparison of GMRES and 2 stage GMRES algorithms in sequential with some matrices}
-%% \label{tab:01}
-%% \end{center}
-%% \end{table}
+In order to perform larger experiments, we have tested some example applications
+of PETSc. Those applications are available in the ksp part which is suited for
+scalable linear equations solvers:
+\item ex15 is an example which solves in parallel an operator using a finite
+ difference scheme. The diagonal is equal to 4 and 4 extra-diagonals
+ representing the neighbors in each directions are equal to -1. This example is
+ used in many physical phenomena, for example, heat and fluid flow, wave
+ propagation, etc.
+\item ex54 is another example based on 2D problem discretized with quadrilateral
+ finite elements. For this example, the user can define the scaling of material
+ coefficient in embedded circle called $\alpha$.
+For more technical details on these applications, interested readers are invited
+to read the codes available in the PETSc sources. Those problems have been
+chosen because they are scalable with many cores which is not the case of other problems that we have tested.
+In the following larger experiments are described on two large scale architectures: Curie and Juqeen... {\bf description...}\\
+{\bf Description of preconditioners}\\
+ nb. cores & precond & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{FGMRES} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM CGLS} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM LSQR} & best gain \\
+ & & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & \\\hline \hline
+ 2,048 & mg & 403.49 & 18,210 & 73.89 & 3,060 & 77.84 & 3,270 & 5.46 \\
+ 2,048 & sor & 745.37 & 57,060 & 87.31 & 6,150 & 104.21 & 7,230 & 8.53 \\
+ 4,096 & mg & 562.25 & 25,170 & 97.23 & 3,990 & 89.71 & 3,630 & 6.27 \\
+ 4,096 & sor & 912.12 & 70,194 & 145.57 & 9,750 & 168.97 & 10,980 & 6.26 \\
+ 8,192 & mg & 917.02 & 40,290 & 148.81 & 5,730 & 143.03 & 5,280 & 6.41 \\
+ 8,192 & sor & 1,404.53 & 106,530 & 212.55 & 12,990 & 180.97 & 10,470 & 7.76 \\
+ 16,384 & mg & 1,430.56 & 63,930 & 237.17 & 8,310 & 244.26 & 7,950 & 6.03 \\
+ 16,384 & sor & 2,852.14 & 216,240 & 418.46 & 21,690 & 505.26 & 23,970 & 6.82 \\
+\caption{Comparison of FGMRES and TSIRM with FGMRES for example ex15 of PETSc with two preconditioners (mg and sor) with 25,000 components per core on Juqueen (threshold 1e-3, restart=30, s=12), time is expressed in seconds.}
+Table~\ref{tab:03} shows the execution times and the number of iterations of
+example ex15 of PETSc on the Juqueen architecture. Different numbers of cores
+are studied ranging from 2,048 up-to 16,383. Two preconditioners have been
+tested: {\it mg} and {\it sor}. For those experiments, the number of components (or unknowns of the
+problems) per processor is fixed to 25,000, also called weak scaling. This
+number can seem relatively small. In fact, for some applications that need a lot
+of memory, the number of components per processor requires sometimes to be
+In Table~\ref{tab:03}, we can notice that TSIRM is always faster than FGMRES. The last
+column shows the ratio between FGMRES and the best version of TSIRM according to
+the minimization procedure: CGLS or LSQR. Even if we have computed the worst
+case between CGLS and LSQR, it is clear that TSIRM is always faster than
+FGMRES. For this example, the multigrid preconditioner is faster than SOR. The
+gain between TSIRM and FGMRES is more or less similar for the two
+preconditioners. Looking at the number of iterations to reach the convergence,
+it is obvious that TSIRM allows the reduction of the number of iterations. It
+should be noticed that for TSIRM, in those experiments, only the iterations of
+the Krylov solver are taken into account. Iterations of CGLS or LSQR were not
+recorded but they are time-consuming. In general each $max\_iter_{kryl}*s$ which
+corresponds to 30*12, there are $max\_iter_{ls}$ which corresponds to 15.
+ \includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{nb_iter_sec_ex15_juqueen}
+\caption{Number of iterations per second with ex15 and the same parameters than in Table~\ref{tab:03} (weak scaling)}
+In Figure~\ref{fig:01}, the number of iterations per second corresponding to
+Table~\ref{tab:03} is displayed. It can be noticed that the number of
+iterations per second of FMGRES is constant whereas it decreases with TSIRM with
+both preconditioners. This can be explained by the fact that when the number of
+cores increases the time for the least-squares minimization step also increases but, generally,
+when the number of cores increases, the number of iterations to reach the
+threshold also increases, and, in that case, TSIRM is more efficient to reduce
+the number of iterations. So, the overall benefit of using TSIRM is interesting.
+ nb. cores & threshold & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{GMRES} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM CGLS} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM LSQR} & best gain \\
+ & & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & \\\hline \hline
+ 2,048 & 8e-5 & 108.88 & 16,560 & 23.06 & 3,630 & 22.79 & 3,630 & 4.77 \\
+ 2,048 & 6e-5 & 194.01 & 30,270 & 35.50 & 5,430 & 27.74 & 4,350 & 6.99 \\
+ 4,096 & 7e-5 & 160.59 & 22,530 & 35.15 & 5,130 & 29.21 & 4,350 & 5.49 \\
+ 4,096 & 6e-5 & 249.27 & 35,520 & 52.13 & 7,950 & 39.24 & 5,790 & 6.35 \\
+ 8,192 & 6e-5 & 149.54 & 17,280 & 28.68 & 3,810 & 29.05 & 3,990 & 5.21 \\
+ 8,192 & 5e-5 & 785.04 & 109,590 & 76.07 & 10,470 & 69.42 & 9,030 & 11.30 \\
+ 16,384 & 4e-5 & 718.61 & 86,400 & 98.98 & 10,830 & 131.86 & 14,790 & 7.26 \\
+\caption{Comparison of FGMRES and 2 stage FGMRES algorithms for ex54 of Petsc (both with the MG preconditioner) with 25000 components per core on Curie (restart=30, s=12), time is expressed in seconds.}
+In Table~\ref{tab:04}, some experiments with example ex54 on the Curie architecture are reported.
+ nb. cores & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{GMRES} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM CGLS} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{TSIRM LSQR} & best gain & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{efficiency} \\
+\cline{2-7} \cline{9-11}
+ & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & Time & \# Iter. & & GMRES & TS CGLS & TS LSQR\\\hline \hline
+ 512 & 3,969.69 & 33,120 & 709.57 & 5,790 & 622.76 & 5,070 & 6.37 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
+ 1024 & 1,530.06 & 25,860 & 290.95 & 4,830 & 307.71 & 5,070 & 5.25 & 1.30 & 1.21 & 1.01 \\
+ 2048 & 919.62 & 31,470 & 237.52 & 8,040 & 194.22 & 6,510 & 4.73 & 1.08 & .75 & .80\\
+ 4096 & 405.60 & 28,380 & 111.67 & 7,590 & 91.72 & 6,510 & 4.42 & 1.22 & .79 & .84 \\
+ 8192 & 785.04 & 109,590 & 76.07 & 10,470 & 69.42 & 9,030 & 11.30 & .32 & .58 & .56 \\
+\caption{Comparison of FGMRES and 2 stage FGMRES algorithms for ex54 of Petsc (both with the MG preconditioner) with 204,919,225 components on Curie with different number of cores (restart=30, s=12, threshol 5e-5), time is expressed in seconds.}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{nb_iter_sec_ex54_curie}
+\caption{Number of iterations per second with ex54 and the same parameters than in Table~\ref{tab:05} (strong scaling)}
%The conclusion goes here. this is more of the conclusion
+future plan : \\
+- study other kinds of matrices, problems, inner solvers\\
+- test the influence of all the parameters\\
+- adaptative number of outer iterations to minimize\\
+- other methods to minimize the residuals?\\
+- implement our solver inside PETSc
% conference papers do not normally have an appendix
-%The authors would like to thank...
-%more thanks here
+This paper is partially funded by the Labex ACTION program (contract
+ANR-11-LABX-01-01). We acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to resource
+Curie and Juqueen respectively based in France and Germany.
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+%% \bibitem{hestenes52} M.~R.~Hestenes and E.~Stiefel, \emph{Methods of conjugate gradients for solving linear system}, Journal of Research of National Bureau of Standards, B49:409--436, 1952.
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+%% \bibitem{paige82} C.~C.~Paige and A.~M.~Saunders, \emph{LSQR: An Algorithm for Sparse Linear Equations and Sparse Least Squares}, ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 8(1):43--71, 1982.
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