-which aims to extend the network lifetime, while the coverage is ensured. More
-recently, Shibo et al. \cite{Shibo} have expressed the coverage problem as a
-minimum weight submodular set cover problem and proposed a Distributed Truncated
-Greedy Algorithm (DTGA) to solve it. They take advantage from both temporal and
-spatial correlations between data sensed by different sensors, and leverage
-prediction, to improve the lifetime. In \cite{xu2001geography}, Xu et al. have
-described an algorithm, called Geographical Adaptive Fidelity (GAF), which uses
-geographic location information to divide the area of interest into fixed square
-grids. Within each grid, it keeps only one node staying awake to take the
-responsibility of sensing and communication.
+which aim at extending the network lifetime, while the coverage is ensured.
+More recently, Shibo et al. \cite{Shibo} have expressed the coverage problem as
+a minimum weight submodular set cover problem and proposed a Distributed
+Truncated Greedy Algorithm (DTGA) to solve it. They take advantage from both
+temporal and spatial correlations between data sensed by different sensors, and
+leverage prediction, to improve the lifetime. In \cite{xu2001geography}, Xu et
+al. have described an algorithm, called Geographical Adaptive Fidelity (GAF),
+which uses geographic location information to divide the area of interest into
+fixed square grids. Within each grid, it keeps only one node staying awake to
+take the responsibility of sensing and communication.