-Some distributed algorithms have been developed
-in~\cite{Gallais06,Tian02,Ye03,Zhang05,HeinzelmanCB02, yardibi2010distributed}
-to perform the scheduling so as to preserve coverage. Distributed algorithms
-typically operate in rounds for a predetermined duration. At the beginning of
-each round, a sensor exchanges information with its neighbors and makes a
-decision to either remain turned on or to go to sleep for the round. This
-decision is basically made on simple greedy criteria like the largest uncovered
-area \cite{Berman05efficientenergy} or maximum uncovered targets
-\cite{lu2003coverage}. In \cite{Tian02}, the scheduling scheme is divided into
-rounds, where each round has a self-scheduling phase followed by a sensing
-phase. Each sensor broadcasts a message containing the node~ID and the node
-location to its neighbors at the beginning of each round. A sensor determines
-its status by a rule named off-duty eligible rule, which tells him to turn off
-if its sensing area is covered by its neighbors. A back-off scheme is introduced
-to let each sensor delay the decision process with a random period of time, in
-order to avoid simultaneous conflicting decisions between nodes and lack of
-coverage on any area. \cite{prasad2007distributed} defines a model for
-capturing the dependencies between different cover sets and proposes localized
-heuristic based on this dependency. The algorithm consists of two phases, an
-initial setup phase during which each sensor computes and prioritizes the covers
-and a sensing phase during which each sensor first decides its on/off status,
-and then remains on or off for the rest of the duration.
-The authors in \cite{yardibi2010distributed} developed a Distributed Adaptive
-Sleep Scheduling Algorithm (DASSA) for WSNs with partial coverage. DASSA does
-not require location information of sensors while maintaining connectivity and
-satisfying a user defined coverage target. In DASSA, nodes use the residual
-energy levels and feedback from the sink for scheduling the activity of their
-neighbors. This feedback mechanism reduces the randomness in scheduling that
-would otherwise occur due to the absence of location information. In
-\cite{ChinhVu}, the author proposed a novel distributed heuristic, called
-Distributed Energy-efficient Scheduling for k-coverage (DESK), which ensures
-that the energy consumption among the sensors is balanced and the lifetime
-maximized while the coverage requirement is maintained. This heuristic works in
-rounds, requires only one-hop neighbor information, and each sensor decides its
-status (active or sleep) based on the perimeter coverage model proposed in
-%Our Work, which is presented in~\cite{idrees2014coverage} proposed a coverage optimization protocol to improve the lifetime in
-%heterogeneous energy wireless sensor networks.
-%In this work, the coverage protocol distributed in each sensor node in the subregion but the optimization take place over the the whole subregion. We consider only distributing the coverage protocol over two subregions.
-The works presented in \cite{Bang, Zhixin, Zhang} focuses on coverage-aware,
+Many distributed algorithms have been developed to perform the scheduling so as
+to preserve coverage, see for example
+\cite{Gallais06,Tian02,Ye03,Zhang05,HeinzelmanCB02, yardibi2010distributed,
+ prasad2007distributed,Misra}. Distributed algorithms typically operate in
+rounds for a predetermined duration. At the beginning of each round, a sensor
+exchanges information with its neighbors and makes a decision to either remain
+turned on or to go to sleep for the round. This decision is basically made on
+simple greedy criteria like the largest uncovered area
+\cite{Berman05efficientenergy} or maximum uncovered targets
+\cite{lu2003coverage}. The Distributed Adaptive Sleep Scheduling Algorithm
+(DASSA) \cite{yardibi2010distributed} does not require location information of
+sensors while maintaining connectivity and satisfying a user defined coverage
+target. In DASSA, nodes use the residual energy levels and feedback from the
+sink for scheduling the activity of their neighbors. This feedback mechanism
+reduces the randomness in scheduling that would otherwise occur due to the
+absence of location information. In \cite{ChinhVu}, the author have designed a
+novel distributed heuristic, called Distributed Energy-efficient Scheduling for
+k-coverage (DESK), which ensures that the energy consumption among the sensors
+is balanced and the lifetime maximized while the coverage requirement is
+maintained. This heuristic works in rounds, requires only one-hop neighbor
+information, and each sensor decides its status (active or sleep) based on the
+perimeter coverage model from~\cite{Huang:2003:CPW:941350.941367}.
+The works presented in \cite{Bang, Zhixin, Zhang} focus on coverage-aware,