-protocol maximizes the lifetime of the network. In particular the gain in
-lifetime for a coverage over 95\% is greater than 38\% when switching from GAF
-to MuDiLCO-3. The slight decrease that can be observed for MuDiLCO-7 in case
-of $Lifetime_{95}$ with large wireless sensor networks results from the
-difficulty of the optimization problem to be solved by the integer program.
-This point was already noticed in subsection \ref{subsec:EC} devoted to the
-energy consumption, since network lifetime and energy consumption are directly
-%\textcolor{red}{As can be seen in these figures, the lifetime increases with the size of the network, and it is clearly largest for the MuDiLCO
-%and the GA-MuDiLCO protocols. GA-MuDiLCO prolongs the network lifetime obviously in comparison with both DESK and GAF, as well as the MuDiLCO-7 version for $lifetime_{95}$. However, comparison shows that MuDiLCO protocol and GA-MuDiLCO protocol, which use distributed optimization over the subregions are the best ones because they are robust to network disconnection during the network lifetime as well as they consume less energy in comparison with other approaches.}
+protocol maximizes the lifetime of the network. In particular the gain in
+lifetime for a coverage over 95\%, and a network of 250~nodes, is greater than
+43\% when switching from GAF to MuDiLCO-5.
+%The lower performance that can be observed for MuDiLCO-7 in case
+%of $Lifetime_{95}$ with large wireless sensor networks results from the
+%difficulty of the optimization problem to be solved by the integer program.
+%This point was already noticed in subsection \ref{subsec:EC} devoted to the
+%energy consumption, since network lifetime and energy consumption are directly
+\textcolor{blue}{Overall, it clearly appears that computing a scheduling for
+ several rounds is possible and relevant, providing that the execution time to
+ solve the optimization problem for large instances is limited. Notice that
+ rather than limiting the execution time, similar results might be obtained by
+ replacing the computation of the exact solution with the finding of a
+ suboptimal one using a heuristic approach. For our simulation setup and
+ considering the different metrics, MuDiLCO-5 seems to be the most suited
+ method in comparison with MuDiLCO-7.}