-Some other approaches (outside the scope of our work) do not consider a
-synchronized and predetermined period of time where the sensors are active or
-not. Indeed, each sensor maintains its own timer and its wake-up time is
-randomized \cite{Ye03} or regulated \cite{cardei2005maximum} over time.
-The MuDiLCO protocol (for Multiround Distributed Lifetime Coverage Optimization
-protocol) presented in this paper is an extension of the approach introduced
-in~\cite{idrees2014coverage}. In~\cite{idrees2014coverage}, the protocol is
-deployed over only two subregions. Simulation results have shown that it was
-more interesting to divide the area into several subregions, given the
-computation complexity. Compared to our previous paper, in this one we study the
-possibility of dividing the sensing phase into multiple rounds and we also add
-an improved model of energy consumption to assess the efficiency of our
-\subsection{Centralized Approaches}
-%{\bf Centralized approaches}
-The major approach is to divide/organize the sensors into a suitable number of
-set covers where each set completely covers an interest region and to activate
-these set covers successively. The centralized algorithms always provide nearly
-or close to optimal solution since the algorithm has global view of the whole
-network. Note that centralized algorithms have the advantage of requiring very
-low processing power from the sensor nodes, which usually have limited
-processing capabilities. The main drawback of this kind of approach is its
-higher cost in communications, since the node that will take the decision needs
-information from all the sensor nodes. Moreover, centralized approaches usually
-suffer from the scalability problem, making them less competitive as the network
-size increases.
-The first algorithms proposed in the literature consider that the cover sets are
-disjoint: a sensor node appears in exactly one of the generated cover sets. For
-instance, Slijepcevic and Potkonjak \cite{Slijepcevic01powerefficient} have
-proposed an algorithm, which allocates sensor nodes in mutually independent sets
-to monitor an area divided into several fields. Their algorithm builds a cover
-set by including in priority the sensor nodes which cover critical fields, that
-is to say fields that are covered by the smallest number of sensors. The time
-complexity of their heuristic is $O(n^2)$ where $n$ is the number of sensors.
-Abrams et al.~\cite{abrams2004set} have designed three approximation algorithms
-for a variation of the set k-cover problem, where the objective is to partition
-the sensors into covers such that the number of covers that include an area,
-summed over all areas, is maximized. Their work builds upon previous work
-in~\cite{Slijepcevic01powerefficient} and the generated cover sets do not
-provide complete coverage of the monitoring zone.
-In \cite{cardei2005improving}, the authors have proposed a method to efficiently
-compute the maximum number of disjoint set covers such that each set can monitor
-all targets. They first transform the problem into a maximum flow problem, which
-is formulated as a mixed integer programming (MIP). Then their heuristic uses
-the output of the MIP to compute disjoint set covers. Results show that this
-heuristic provides a number of set covers slightly larger compared to
-\cite{Slijepcevic01powerefficient}, but with a larger execution time due to the
-complexity of the mixed integer programming resolution.
-Zorbas et al. \cite{zorbas2010solving} presented a centralized greedy algorithm
-for the efficient production of both node disjoint and non-disjoint cover sets.
-Compared to algorithm's results of Slijepcevic and Potkonjak
-\cite{Slijepcevic01powerefficient}, their heuristic produces more disjoint cover
-sets with a slight growth rate in execution time. When producing non-disjoint
-cover sets, both Static-CCF and Dynamic-CCF algorithms, where CCF means that
-they use a cost function called Critical Control Factor, provide cover sets
-offering longer network lifetime than those produced by \cite{cardei2005energy}.
-Also, they require a smaller number of node participations in order to achieve
-these results.
-In the case of non-disjoint algorithms \cite{pujari2011high}, sensors may
-participate in more than one cover set. In some cases, this may prolong the
-lifetime of the network in comparison to the disjoint cover set algorithms, but
-designing algorithms for non-disjoint cover sets generally induces a higher
-order of complexity. Moreover, in case of a sensor's failure, non-disjoint
-scheduling policies are less resilient and less reliable because a sensor may be
-involved in more than one cover sets. For instance, Cardei et
-al.~\cite{cardei2005energy} present a linear programming (LP) solution and a
-greedy approach to extend the sensor network lifetime by organizing the sensors
-into a maximal number of non-disjoint cover sets. Simulation results show that
-by allowing sensors to participate in multiple sets, the network lifetime
-increases compared with related work~\cite{cardei2005improving}.
-In~\cite{berman04}, the authors have formulated the lifetime problem and
-suggested another (LP) technique to solve this problem. A centralized solution
-based on the Garg-K\"{o}nemann algorithm~\cite{garg98}, provably near the
-optimal solution, is also proposed.
-In~\cite{yang2014maximum}, the authors have proposed a linear programming
-approach for selecting the minimum number of working sensor nodes, in order to
-as to preserve a maximum coverage and extend lifetime of the network. Cheng et
-al.~\cite{cheng2014energy} have defined a heuristic algorithm called Cover Sets
-Balance (CSB), which choose a set of active nodes using the tuple (data coverage
-range, residual energy). Then, they have introduced a new Correlated Node Set
-Computing (CNSC) algorithm to find the correlated node set for a given node.
-After that, they proposed a High Residual Energy First (HREF) node selection
-algorithm to minimize the number of active nodes so as to prolong the network
-lifetime. Various centralized methods based on column generation approaches have
-also been proposed~\cite{castano2013column,rossi2012exact,deschinkel2012column}.
-\subsection{Distributed approaches}
-%{\bf Distributed approaches}