-Reviewer #6: In this paper it says that the Krylov GMRES method is compared with a new parallel muti-splitting method of the authors. The paper also says that this new method is an adaptation of another method based on references [11] and [9]. It is unclear from the paper whether the analysis includes the a comparison of their new method to the method of reference [9]. Does the new method do better than that one or is it similar or worse.
+Reviewer #6: In this paper it says that the Krylov GMRES method is compared with a new parallel muti-splitting method of the authors. The paper also says that this new method is an adaptation of another method based on references [11] and [9].
+It is unclear from the paper whether the analysis includes the a comparison of their new method to the method of reference [9]. Does the new method do better than that one or is it similar or worse.
+The experiments in Section 4 show a comparison between the performances of our Krylov multisplitting algorithm and those of GMRES method. As said previously, we consider that GMRES is one of the most used method to solve large-scale sparse linear systems. The method of reference [9] is semi-parallel. In fact the task of the minimization is decoupled from the resolution of the different splittings, such as we could fall on a situation where the minimization cannot be performed until all splittings are solved. In addition, the minimization task of reference [9] is performed in sequential.