+parenthesis. For the GMRES code (alone and in the multisplitting version) the
+restart parameter is fixed to 16. The precision of the GMRES version is fixed to
+1e-6. For the multisplitting, there are two precisions, one for the external
+solver which is fixed to 1e-6 and another one for the inner solver (GMRES) which
+is fixed to 1e-10. It should be noted that a high precision is used but we also
+fixed a maximum number of iterations for each internal step. In practice, we
+limit the number of iterations in the internal step to 10. So an internal iteration is finished
+when the precision is reached or when the maximum internal number of iterations
+is reached. The precision and the maximum number of iterations of CGNR method are fixed to 1e-25 and 20 respectively. The size of the Krylov subspace basis $S$ is fixed to 10 vectors.