+On ne peut pas parler de tout...\\
+The key idea of the multisplitting method for solving a large system of linear equations
+$Ax=b$ consists in partitioning the matrix $A$ in $L$ several ways
+A = M_l - N_l,~l\in\{1,\ldots,L\},
+where $M_l$ is a nonsingular matrix, and then solving the linear system by the iterative method
+x^{k+1}=\displaystyle\sum^L_{l=1} E_l M^{-1}_l (N_l x^k + b),~k=1,2,3,\ldots
+where $E_l$ is a non-negative and diagonal weighting matrix such that $\sum^L_{l=1}E_l=I$ ($I$ is the identity matrix).
+Thus the convergence of such a method is dependent on the condition
+\rho(\displaystyle\sum^L_{l=1}E_l M^{-1}_l N_l)<1.
+The advantage of the multisplitting method is that at each iteration $k$ there are $L$ different linear
+y_l=M^{-1}_l N_l x_l^{k-1} + M^{-1}_l b,~l\in\{1,\ldots,L\},
+to be solved independently by a direct or an iterative method, where $y_l$ is the solution of the local system.
+A multisplitting method using an iterative method for solving the $L$ linear systems is called an inner-outer
+iterative method or a two-stage method. The solution of the global linear system at the iteration $k$ is computed
+as follows
+x^k = \displaystyle\sum^L_{l=1} E_l y_l,
+In the case where the diagonal weighting matrices $E_l$ have only zero and one factors (i.e. $y_l$ are disjoint vectors),
+the multisplitting method is non-overlapping and corresponds to the block Jacobi method.
+%% END