-\noindent {\bf 6.} The authors have performed a thorough review of existing
-coverage methodologies. However, the clarity in the literature review is a
-little off. Some of the descriptions of the method s used are very vague and do
-not bring out their key contributions. Some references are not consistent and I
-suggest using the journals template to adjust them for overall consistency.\\
-\textcolor{red}{\textbf{\textsc{Reviewer's response:} I do like the way you have presented the different literature related to each aspect of
-the problem. I think I was just concerned that the sentences presenting each work are not very
-clear. After reading through them however, everything is clear. I like the addition of the last
-paragraph and believe it is definitely needed since you are directly comparing these
-\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{\textsc{Answer:} References have been carefully checked
- and seem to be consistent with the journal template. In Section~2, ``Related
- literature'', we refer to papers dealing with coverage and lifetime in
- WSN. Each paragraph of this section discusses the literature related to a
- particular aspect of the problem : 1. types of coverage, 2. types of scheme,
- 3. centralized versus distributed protocols, 4. optimization method. At the
- end of each paragraph we position our approach. We have also added a last
- paragraph about our previous work on DiLCO protocol to explain the
- difference with PeCO. }}\\
-\noindent {\bf 7.} The methodology is implemented in OMNeT++ (network simulator)