-available in the public domain) \citep{glpk} through a Branch-and-Bound method.
-% No discussion about the execution of GLPK on a sensor ?
+available in the public domain) \citep{glpk} through a Branch-and-Bound method.
+In practice, executing GLPK on a sensor node is obviously intractable due to the
+huge memory use. Fortunately, to solve the optimization problem we could use
+commercial solvers like CPLEX \citep{iamigo:cplex} which are less memory
+consuming and more efficient, or implement a lightweight heuristic. For example,
+for a WSN of 200 sensor nodes, a leader node has to deal with constraints
+induced by about 12 sensor nodes. In that case, to solve the optimization
+problem a memory consumption of more than 1~MB can be observed with GLPK,
+whereas less than 300~kB would be needed with CPLEX.