-%\noindent{\bf If} $RE_k \geq E_{th}$ {\bf then}\\
-%\hspace*{0.6cm} \emph{$s_k.status$ = COMMUNICATION;}\\
-%\hspace*{0.6cm} \emph{Send $INFO()$ packet to other nodes in subregion;}\\
-%\hspace*{0.6cm} \emph{Wait $INFO()$ packet from other nodes in subregion;}\\
-%\hspace*{0.6cm} \emph{Update K.CurrentSize;}\\
-%\hspace*{0.6cm} \emph{LeaderID = Leader election;}\\
-%\hspace*{0.6cm} {\bf If} $ s_k.ID = LeaderID $ {\bf then}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm} \emph{$s_k.status$ = COMPUTATION;}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm}{\bf If} \emph{$ s_k.ID $ is Not previously selected as a Leader} {\bf then}\\
-%\hspace*{1.8cm} \emph{ Execute the perimeter coverage model;}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm} {\bf end}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm}{\bf If} \emph{($s_k.ID $ is the same Previous Leader)~And~(K.CurrentSize = K.PreviousSize)}\\
-%\hspace*{1.8cm} \emph{ Use the same previous cover set for current sensing stage;}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm} {\bf end}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm} {\bf else}\\
-%\hspace*{1.8cm}\emph{Update $a^j_{ik}$; prepare data for IP~Algorithm;}\\
-%\hspace*{1.8cm} \emph{$\left\{\left(X_{1},\dots,X_{l},\dots,X_{K}\right)\right\}$ = Execute Integer Program Algorithm($K$);}\\
-%\hspace*{1.8cm} \emph{K.PreviousSize = K.CurrentSize;}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm} {\bf end}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm}\emph{$s_k.status$ = COMMUNICATION;}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm}\emph{Send $ActiveSleep()$ to each node $l$ in subregion;}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm}\emph{Update $RE_k $;}\\
-%\hspace*{0.6cm} {\bf end}\\
-%\hspace*{0.6cm} {\bf else}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm}\emph{$s_k.status$ = LISTENING;}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm}\emph{Wait $ActiveSleep()$ packet from the Leader;}\\
-%\hspace*{1.2cm}\emph{Update $RE_k $;}\\
-%\hspace*{0.6cm} {\bf end}\\
-%{\bf end}\\
-%{\bf else}\\
-%\hspace*{0.6cm} \emph{Exclude $s_k$ from entering in the current sensing stage;}\\
-%{\bf end}\\