-This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2012/Debian)
+This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2015/dev/Debian)
Capacity: max_strings=35307, hash_size=35307, hash_prime=30011
The top-level auxiliary file: articleeo.aux
The style file: gENO.bst
Database file #1: biblio.bib
+Repeated entry---line 1064 of file biblio.bib
+ : @article{li2011transforming
+ : ,
+I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry
Reallocated wiz_functions (elt_size=4) to 6000 items from 3000.
-You've used 43 entries,
+You've used 44 entries,
3679 wiz_defined-function locations,
- 970 strings with 13673 characters,
-and the built_in function-call counts, 30688 in all, are:
-= -- 2516
-> -- 1582
+ 976 strings with 13795 characters,
+and the built_in function-call counts, 31087 in all, are:
+= -- 2543
+> -- 1608
< -- 4
-+ -- 773
-- -- 429
-* -- 2134
-:= -- 4458
-add.period$ -- 98
-call.type$ -- 43
-change.case$ -- 287
-chr.to.int$ -- 50
-cite$ -- 43
-duplicate$ -- 2321
-empty$ -- 2299
-format.name$ -- 539
-if$ -- 6306
-int.to.chr$ -- 3
++ -- 786
+- -- 438
+* -- 2160
+:= -- 4543
+add.period$ -- 99
+call.type$ -- 44
+change.case$ -- 294
+chr.to.int$ -- 51
+cite$ -- 44
+duplicate$ -- 2352
+empty$ -- 2323
+format.name$ -- 545
+if$ -- 6367
+int.to.chr$ -- 2
int.to.str$ -- 1
-missing$ -- 411
-newline$ -- 140
-num.names$ -- 172
-pop$ -- 1226
+missing$ -- 420
+newline$ -- 143
+num.names$ -- 176
+pop$ -- 1239
preamble$ -- 1
-purify$ -- 285
+purify$ -- 292
quote$ -- 0
-skip$ -- 1089
+skip$ -- 1097
stack$ -- 0
-substring$ -- 1296
-swap$ -- 1075
+substring$ -- 1301
+swap$ -- 1084
text.length$ -- 2
text.prefix$ -- 0
top$ -- 0
-type$ -- 384
+type$ -- 393
warning$ -- 0
-while$ -- 240
+while$ -- 244
width$ -- 0
-write$ -- 481
+write$ -- 491
+(There was 1 error message)