-two other approaches in prolonging the network WSN. In figures~\ref{fig3LT}(a)
-and (b), $Lifetime95$ and $Lifetime50$ are shown for different network sizes.
-As highlighted by these figures, the lifetime increases with the size of the
-network, and it is clearly the larger for DiLCO and LiCO protocols. For
-instance, for a network of 300 sensors and coverage ratio greater than 50\%, we
-can see on figure~\ref{fig3LT}(b) that the lifetime is about two times longer
-with LiCO compared to DESK protocol. The performance difference is more obvious
-in figure~\ref{fig3LT}(b) than in figure~\ref{fig3LT}(a) because the gain
-induced by our protocols increases with the time, and the lifetime with a
-coverage of 50\% is far more longer than with 95\%.
+two other approaches in prolonging the network lifetime. In
+figures~\ref{fig3LT}(a) and (b), $Lifetime95$ and $Lifetime50$ are shown for
+different network sizes. As highlighted by these figures, the lifetime
+increases with the size of the network, and it is clearly the larger for DiLCO
+and LiCO protocols. For instance, for a network of 300~sensors and coverage
+ratio greater than 50\%, we can see on figure~\ref{fig3LT}(b) that the lifetime
+is about two times longer with LiCO compared to DESK protocol. The performance
+difference is more obvious in figure~\ref{fig3LT}(b) than in
+figure~\ref{fig3LT}(a) because the gain induced by our protocols increases with
+the time, and the lifetime with a coverage of 50\% is far more longer than with