+In order to assess and analyze the performance of our protocol we have
+implemented PeCO protocol in OMNeT++~\cite{varga} simulator. Besides PeCO, two
+other protocols, described in the next paragraph, will be evaluated for
+comparison purposes. The simulations were run on a laptop DELL with an Intel
+Core~i3~2370~M (2.4~GHz) processor (2 cores) whose MIPS (Million Instructions
+Per Second) rate is equal to 35330. To be consistent with the use of a sensor
+node based on Atmels AVR ATmega103L microcontroller (6~MHz) having a MIPS rate
+equal to 6, the original execution time on the laptop is multiplied by 2944.2
+$\left(\frac{35330}{2} \times \frac{1}{6} \right)$. The modeling language for
+Mathematical Programming (AMPL)~\cite{AMPL} is employed to generate the integer
+program instance in a standard format, which is then read and solved by the
+optimization solver GLPK (GNU linear Programming Kit available in the public
+domain) \cite{glpk} through a Branch-and-Bound method.
+As said previously, the PeCO is compared with three other approaches. The first
+one, called DESK, is a fully distributed coverage algorithm proposed by
+\cite{ChinhVu}. The second one, called GAF~\cite{xu2001geography}, consists in
+dividing the monitoring area into fixed squares. Then, during the decision
+phase, in each square, one sensor is chosen to remain active during the sensing
+phase. The last one, the DiLCO protocol~\cite{Idrees2}, is an improved version
+of a research work we presented in~\cite{idrees2014coverage}. Let us notice that
+PeCO and DiLCO protocols are based on the same framework. In particular, the
+choice for the simulations of a partitioning in 16~subregions was chosen because
+it corresponds to the configuration producing the better results for DiLCO. The
+protocols are distinguished from one another by the formulation of the integer
+program providing the set of sensors which have to be activated in each sensing
+phase. DiLCO protocol tries to satisfy the coverage of a set of primary points,
+whereas PeCO protocol objective is to reach a desired level of coverage for each
+sensor perimeter. In our experimentations, we chose a level of coverage equal to
+one ($l=1$).
+\subsubsection{\bf Coverage Ratio}
+Figure~\ref{fig333} shows the average coverage ratio for 200 deployed nodes
+obtained with the four protocols. DESK, GAF, and DiLCO provide a little better
+coverage ratio with respectively 99.99\%, 99.91\%, and 99.02\%, against 98.76\%
+produced by PeCO for the first periods. This is due to the fact that at the
+beginning DiLCO protocol puts in sleep status more redundant sensors (which
+slightly decreases the coverage ratio), while the three other protocols activate
+more sensor nodes. Later, when the number of periods is beyond~70, it clearly
+appears that PeCO provides a better coverage ratio and keeps a coverage ratio
+greater than 50\% for longer periods (15 more compared to DiLCO, 40 more
+compared to DESK). The energy saved by PeCO in the early periods allows later a
+substantial increase of the coverage performance.