From: ali <ali@ali.lan>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 08:30:16 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Update by ali

Update by ali

diff --git a/PeCO-EO/articleeo.log b/PeCO-EO/articleeo.log
index 60ac710..f2b2874 100644
--- a/PeCO-EO/articleeo.log
+++ b/PeCO-EO/articleeo.log
@@ -1,11 +1,21 @@
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+n, german, swissgerman, ngerman-x-2012-05-30, german-x-2012-05-30, monogreek, g
+reek, ibycus, ancientgreek, hungarian, bengali, tamil, hindi, telugu, gujarati,
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+n, latvian, lithuanian, mongolian, mongolianlmc, nynorsk, bokmal, indonesian, e
+speranto, coptic, welsh, irish, interlingua, serbian, serbianc, slovenian, friu
+lan, romansh, estonian, romanian, armenian, uppersorbian, turkish, afrikaans, i
+celandic, kurmanji, polish, portuguese, galician, catalan, spanish, swedish, th
+ai, loaded.
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 - mailing list for announcement about releases
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+ted safely (allowed).
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-1.000 3871 352 50 2598 BoxColFill
+1.000 1003 352 50 977 BoxColFill
+1.000 1720 352 50 1330 BoxColFill
+1.000 2437 352 50 1704 BoxColFill
+1.000 3154 352 50 2099 BoxColFill
+1.000 3871 352 50 2369 BoxColFill
 % End plot #2
 % Begin plot #3
 1.000 UL