+\textcolor{blue}{ Our approach to select the leader node in a subregion is quite
+ different from cluster head selection methods used in LEACH
+ \cite{DBLP:conf/hicss/HeinzelmanCB00} or its variants
+ \cite{ijcses11}. Contrary to LEACH, the division of the area of interest is
+ supposed to be performed before the leader election. Moreover, we assume that
+ the sensors are deployed almost uniformly and with high density over the area
+ of interest, such that the division is fixed and regular. As in LEACH, our
+ protocol works in round fashion. In each round, during the pre-sensing phase,
+ nodes make autonomous decisions. In LEACH, each sensor elects itself to be a
+ cluster head, and each non-cluster head will determine its cluster for the
+ round. In our protocol, nodes in the same subregion select their leader. In
+ both protocols, the amount of remaining energy in each node is taken into
+ account to promote the nodes that have the most energy to become leader.
+ Contrary to the LEACH protocol where all sensors will be active during the
+ sensing-phase, our protocol allows to deactivate a subset of sensors through
+ an optimization process which reduces significantly the energy consumption.}