-As highlighted by figure~\ref{figLT95}, the network lifetime obviously
-increases when the size of the network increases. For the same level of coverage, DiLCO outperforms DESK and GAF for the lifetime of the network. If we focus on level of coverage greater than $95\%$, The subdivision in $16$ subregions seems to be the most appropriate.
-% with our DiLCO-16/50, DiLCO-32/50, DiLCO-16/95 and DiLCO-32/95 protocols
-% that leads to the larger lifetime improvement in comparison with other approaches. By choosing the best
-% suited nodes, for each round, to cover the area of interest and by
-% letting the other ones sleep in order to be used later in next rounds. Comparison shows that our DiLCO-16/50, DiLCO-32/50, DiLCO-16/95 and DiLCO-32/95 protocols, which are used distributed optimization over the subregions, are the best one because it is robust to network disconnection during the network lifetime as well as it consume less energy in comparison with other approaches. It also means that distributing the protocol in each node and subdividing the sensing field into many subregions, which are managed
-% independently and simultaneously, is the most relevant way to maximize the lifetime of a network.
-\section{\uppercase{Conclusion and Future Works}}
-\label{sec:Conclusion and Future Works}
-In this paper, we have addressed the problem of the coverage and the lifetime
-optimization in wireless sensor networks. This is a key issue as
-sensor nodes have limited resources in terms of memory, energy and
-computational power. To cope with this problem, the field of sensing
-is divided into smaller subregions using the concept of divide-and-conquer method, and then a DiLCO protocol for optimizing the coverage and lifetime performances in each subregion.
-The proposed protocol combines two efficient techniques: network
-leader election and sensor activity scheduling, where the challenges
-include how to select the most efficient leader in each subregion and
-the best representative set of active nodes to ensure a high level of coverage.
-We have compared this method with two other approaches using many metrics as coverage ratio, execution time, lifetime.
-Some experiments have been performed to study the choice of the number of
-subregions which subdivide the sensing field, considering different network
-sizes. They show that as the number of subregions increases, so does the network
-lifetime. Moreover, it makes the DiLCO protocol more robust against random
-network disconnection due to node failures. However, too much subdivisions
-reduces the advantage of the optimization. In fact, there is a balance between
-the benefit from the optimization and the execution time needed to solve
-it. Therefore, the subdivision in $16$ subregions seems to be the most appropriate.
-\noindent In this paper, we have addressed the problem of the coverage and the lifetime
-optimization in wireless sensor networks. This is a key issue as
-sensor nodes have limited resources in terms of memory, energy and
-computational power. To cope with this problem, the field of sensing
-is divided into smaller subregions using the concept of divide-and-conquer method, and then a DiLCO protocol for optimizing the coverage and lifetime performances in each subregion.
-The proposed protocol combines two efficient techniques: network
-leader election and sensor activity scheduling, where the challenges
-include how to select the most efficient leader in each subregion and
-the best representative active nodes that will optimize the network lifetime
-while taking the responsibility of covering the corresponding
-subregion. The network lifetime in each subregion is divided into
-rounds, each round consists of four phases: (i) Information Exchange,
-(ii) Leader Election, (iii) an optimization-based Decision in order to
-select the nodes remaining active for the last phase, and (iv)
-Sensing. The simulations show the relevance of the proposed DiLCO
-protocol in terms of lifetime, coverage ratio, active sensors ratio, energy consumption, execution time, and the number of stopped simulation runs due to network disconnection. Indeed, when
-dealing with large and dense wireless sensor networks, a distributed
-approach like the one we are proposed allows to reduce the difficulty of a
-single global optimization problem by partitioning it in many smaller
-problems, one per subregion, that can be solved more easily.
-In future work, we plan to study and propose a coverage optimization protocol, which
-computes all active sensor schedules in one time, using
-optimization methods. \iffalse The round will still consist of 4 phases, but the
- decision phase will compute the schedules for several sensing phases
- which, aggregated together, define a kind of meta-sensing phase.
-The computation of all cover sets in one time is far more
-difficult, but will reduce the communication overhead. \fi