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10 years agoProcessing of the paper completed (except section 2)
Michel Salomon [Thu, 25 Sep 2014 13:56:34 +0000 (15:56 +0200)]
Processing of the paper completed (except section 2)

10 years agoModifications made up to subsection 5.2.2
Michel Salomon [Sun, 21 Sep 2014 20:37:25 +0000 (22:37 +0200)]
Modifications made up to subsection 5.2.2

10 years agoStill working on sections 5 and 6
Michel Salomon [Thu, 18 Sep 2014 16:30:14 +0000 (18:30 +0200)]
Still working on sections 5 and 6

10 years agoModifictions in Abstract + beginning of Introduction
Michel Salomon [Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:57:23 +0000 (17:57 +0200)]
Modifictions in Abstract + beginning of Introduction

10 years agomodif mineure
Karine Deschinkel [Mon, 8 Sep 2014 13:20:45 +0000 (15:20 +0200)]
modif mineure

10 years agoupdate ali
raphael couturier [Fri, 1 Aug 2014 11:19:41 +0000 (13:19 +0200)]
update ali

10 years agoderniere modif
Karine Deschinkel [Tue, 29 Jul 2014 13:28:16 +0000 (15:28 +0200)]
derniere modif

10 years agook
Karine Deschinkel [Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:40:47 +0000 (13:40 +0200)]

10 years agoversion ali
raphael couturier [Fri, 18 Jul 2014 14:08:02 +0000 (16:08 +0200)]
version ali