%% The second mandatory parameter is the date of the PhD defense.
%% The third mandatory parameter is the reference number given by the University Library after the PhD defense.
%\declarethesis[Sous-titre]{Titre}{17 septembre 2012}{XXX}
-\declarethesis{Energy Consumption Optimization of Parallel Applications with Iterations using CPU Frequency Scaling}{Date}{21306697}
+\declarethesis{Energy Consumption Optimization of Parallel Applications with Iterations using CPU Frequency Scaling}{}{}
%% Set the author of the PhD thesis
%% Add a member of the jury
%% \addjury{Firstname}{Lastname}{Role in the jury}{Position}
-\addjury{...}{...} {...}{...}
+%\addjury{...}{...} {...}{...}
%\addjury{Ye-Qiong}{SONG}{Reviewer} {Professor at University of Lorraine}
%\addjury{Hamida}{SEBA}{Reviewer}{Associate Professor (HDR) at University of Claude Bernard Lyon1}
%\addjury{x4}{y4}{Examiner}{Professor at University of}
%\addjury{Karine}{Deschinkel}{Co-Supervisor}{Assistant Professor at University of Franche-Comt\'e}
%\addjury{Michel}{Salomon}{Co-Supervisor}{Assistant Professor at University of Franche-Comt\'e}
-% \addjury {} {Prof Ye-Qiong SONG} {University of Lorraine} {Reviewer}
-%\addjury{} {Assoc Prof Hamida SEBA (HDR)} {University of Claude Bernard Lyon1} {Reviewer}
-%\addjury {}{Prof Sylvain CONTASSOT-VIVIER} {University of Lorraine} {Examiner}
-\addjury {} {Prof Raphaël Couturier} {University of Franche-Comt\'e} {Supervisor}
-\addjury {} {Asst Prof Jean-Claude Charr} {University of Franche-Comt\'e} { Co-supervisor}
+ \addjury {} {Pr Jean-Marc Pierson} {University of Paul Sabatier} {Reviewer}
+\addjury{} {DR Fabienne Jézéquel(HDR)} {University of Paris 6} {Reviewer}
+\addjury {}{Pr Nabil Abdennadher} {University of HES-SO, Switzerland} {Examiner}
+\addjury {} {Pr Raphaël Couturier} {University of Franche-Comt\'e} {Supervisor}
+\addjury {} {Dr Jean-Claude Charr} {University of Franche-Comt\'e} { Co-supervisor}
%\addjury {} {Asst Prof Michel Salomon} {University of Franche-Comt\'e} {Co-supervisor}