-Traditionally, almost of the software applications are programmed as a sequential programs according to the Von Neumann report in 1993 \cite{ref50}. The structure of the
-program code is understandable by the human brain as a series of instructions that execute one after the other. From many years until a short time, the users of the sequential applications had moved their thinking towards that these applications must run faster with each new generation of microprocessors. This idea is no longer valid nowadays, because the recent release of the microprocessors have many computing units embedded in one chip and these programs are only run over one computing unit sequentially.
-Consequently, the traditional applications not have improved their performance a lot over the new architectures, whereas the new applications run faster over them in parallel. The parallel application is executed over all the available computing units at the same time to improve its performance. Furthermore, the concurrency revolution has been referred to the drastically improvement in the performance of the new applications side by side to the new parallel architectures \cite{ref51}. Therefore, parallel applications and parallel architectures are closely tied together. It is hard to think about any of parallel applications without thinking of the parallel hardware that executing them.
-For example, the energy consumption of the parallel system mainly depends on both of the parallel application and the parallel architecture executing this application. Indeed, the energy consumption model or any measurement system depends on many specifications, some of them are concerting the parallel hardware architecture such as the frequency of the processor, power consumption of the processor and communication model. The others are concerting the parallel application such as the computation and communication times of the application.
-In this work, the iterative parallel applications, which is the most popular type of the parallel applications, are interested and running them over different parallel architectures to optimize their energy consumptions is the main goal.
-As a result, this chapter is aimed to give a brief overview for parallel hardware architectures, parallel iterative applications and the energy model from the other authors used to measure the energy consumption of these applications.
-The reminder of this chapter is organized as follows: section \ref{ch1:2} is devoted
-to describe the types of parallelism and the types of the parallel platforms. It is also gives some information about the parallel programming models. Section \ref{ch1:3} explains both the synchronous and asynchronous parallel iterative methods and comparing them. Section \ref{ch1:4}, presents the well accepted energy model from the state of the art that can be used to measure the energy consumption of the parallel iterative applications when changing the frequency of the processor. Finally, section \ref{ch1:5} summaries this chapter.
+Referred to the state of the art, specifically Von Neumann report in 1993 \cite{ref50}, most of the software applications are structured as sequential programs.
+The structure of the program code is understandable by the human brain as a series of instructions that
+are executed successively one after the other. For many years until a short time,
+with each new generation of microprocessors, users of sequential applications have believed that these applications must run faster over them than previous ones.
+Nowadays, this idea is no longer valid since recent releases of microprocessors have many computing units that are embedded in one chip and programs are running only over one computing unit sequentially.
+Indeed, new applications have significantly improved their performance over new architectures in parallel compared to traditional applications.
+In this context, the aim of improving the performance of parallel applications is executed simultaneously over all available computing units.
+ Furthermore, the concurrency revolution has been referred to the drastic improvement in the performance of new applications side by side to new parallel architectures \cite{ref51}. Therefore, parallel applications and parallel architectures are closely tied together.
+Moreover, thinking about parallel applications is directly related to think about parallel hardware that must support them.
+For example, the energy consumption of one parallel system mainly depends on both: (1) parallel applications and (2) parallel architectures. Indeed, an energy consumption model or any measurement system depends on many specifications, some of them are related to the parallel hardware features such as: (1) the frequency of processor, (2) the power consumption of processor and (3) the communication model. Others are relied to the parallel application such as: (1) the computation time and (2) the communication time of the application.
+This work is focused on studying the iterative parallel applications, where different parallel architectures
+are used to run them in parallel, which is considered as ultimate goal to optimize their energy consumptions.
+In this context, this chapter gives a brief overview about parallel hardware architectures and parallel iterative applications. Also, it discusses an energy model proposed by other authors used to measure the energy consumption of these applications.
+The reminder of this chapter is organized as follows: section \ref{ch1:2} describes different types of parallelism and different types of parallel platforms. It also explains some models of parallel programming. Section \ref{ch1:3} discusses both types of parallel iterative methods, synchronous and asynchronous one and comparing them. Section \ref{ch1:4}, presents a well accepted energy model from the state of the art that can be used to measure the energy consumption of parallel iterative applications when the frequency of processor is changed. Finally, section \ref{ch1:5} summarizes this chapter.