-The energy saving percentage is reduced for all the benchmarks because of the long distance communications in the two sites
-scenario, except for the EP benchmark which has no communication. Therefore, the energy saving percentage of this benchmark is
-dependent on the maximum difference between the computing powers of the heterogeneous computing nodes, for example
-in the one site scenario, the graphite cluster is selected but in the two sites scenario
-this cluster is replaced with the Taurus cluster which is more powerful.
-Therefore, the energy savings of the EP benchmark are bigger in the two sites scenario due
-to the higher maximum difference between the computing powers of the nodes.
-In fact, high differences between the nodes' computing powers make the proposed frequencies selecting
-algorithm select smaller frequencies for the powerful nodes which
-produces less energy consumption and thus more energy saving.
-The best energy saving percentage was obtained in the one site scenario with 16 nodes, the energy consumption was on average reduced up to 30\%.