(e.g. 70\%-30\% scenario and 80\%-20\% scenario). Since the proposed
algorithm optimizes the energy consumption when
using a higher ratio for the dynamic power, the algorithm selects bigger frequency
scaling factors that results in more energy saving but degrade the performance, for
example see Figure~\ref{fig:powers-heter} (b). The opposite happens when using a
higher ratio for the static power, the algorithm proportionally selects smaller
(e.g. 70\%-30\% scenario and 80\%-20\% scenario). Since the proposed
algorithm optimizes the energy consumption when
using a higher ratio for the dynamic power, the algorithm selects bigger frequency
scaling factors that results in more energy saving but degrade the performance, for
example see Figure~\ref{fig:powers-heter} (b). The opposite happens when using a
higher ratio for the static power, the algorithm proportionally selects smaller