X-Git-Url: https://bilbo.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr/and/gitweb/ThesisAhmed.git/blobdiff_plain/9d87ab2b1a5d770f166a68a69816a9e5f9406446..refs/heads/master:/my_reference.bib?ds=sidebyside diff --git a/my_reference.bib b/my_reference.bib index 9969ea0..cc7d289 100644 --- a/my_reference.bib +++ b/my_reference.bib @@ -1,420 +1,4 @@ - - - - -@inproceedings{4, - author = {Jejurikar, Ravindra and Pereira, Cristiano and Gupta, Rajesh}, - title = {Leakage Aware Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Real-time Embedded Systems}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 41 st Annual Design Automation Conference}, - series = {DAC '04}, - year = {2004}, - isbn = {1-58113-828-8}, - location = {San Diego, CA, USA}, - pages = {275--280}, - numpages = {6}, - doi = {10.1145/996566.996650}, - acmid = {996650}, - publisher = {ACM}, - address = {New York, NY, USA}, - keywords = {EDF scheduling, critical speed, leakage power, low power scheduling, procrastication, real-time systems} -} - - - -@MISC{5, - author = {Vishal Gupta and Hyesoon Kim and Karsten Schwan and Memory B}, - title = {A Power-Performance Analysis of Memory-intensive Parallel Applications on a Manycore Platform}, -year = {2013} -} - -@article{6, - author = {Nikzad Babaii Rizvandi and - Albert Y. Zomaya}, - title = {A Primarily Survey on Energy Efficiency in Cloud and Distributed - Computing Systems}, - journal = {CoRR}, - volume = {abs/1210.4690}, - year = {2012} -} - -@techreport{7, - author = "Jee Whan Choi and Richard Vuduc", - title = "A roofline model of energy", - institution = "Georgia Institute of Technology", - TTtype = "", - TTnumber = "", - TTaddress = "", - year = {2012} - -} - - - - -@INPROCEEDINGS{10, -author={Kessler, C.W. and Melot, N. and Eitschberger, P. and Keller, J.}, -booktitle={Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), 2013 23rd International Workshop on}, -title={Crown scheduling: Energy-efficient resource allocation, mapping and discrete frequency scaling for collections of malleable streaming tasks}, -year={2013}, -month={Sept}, -pages={215-222}, -keywords={cores;microprocessor chips;optimisation;power consumption;resource allocation;scaling circuits;scheduling;ILP;crown scheduling;data flows;discrete voltage-frequency scaling;dynamic discrete frequency scaling;dynamic rescaling;energy-efficient resource allocation;energy-optimal code;integer linear programming;malleable streaming tasks;many-core processor;mapping;optimization;pipelined task graph;power consumption;processor cores;streaming task collections;Dynamic scheduling;Optimization;Processor scheduling;Radio spectrum management;Resource management;Schedules}, -doi={10.1109/PATMOS.2013.6662176} -} - - - -@article{12, - author = {Lively, Charles and Xingfu Wu and Taylor, Valerie and Moore, Shirley and Chang, Hung-Ching and Cameron, Kirk}, - title = {Energy and Performance Characteristics of Different Parallel Implementations of Scientific Applications on Multicore Systems}, - journal = {Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl.}, - issue_date = {August 2011}, - volume = {25}, - number = {3}, - month = aug, - year = {2011}, - issn = {1094-3420}, - pages = {342--350}, - numpages = {9}, - doi = {10.1177/1094342011414749}, - acmid = {2020813}, - publisher = {Sage Publications, Inc.}, - address = {Thousand Oaks, CA, USA}, - keywords = {MPI, energy consumption, frequency scaling, hybrid MPI/OpenMP, multicore system, performance characteristics, scientific applications} -} - -@ARTICLE{13, - author = {Lizhe Wang a,b, Samee U. Khan c , Dan Chen a , Joanna Kołodziej d , Rajiv Ranjan e , Cheng-zhong Xu f ,Albert Zomaya}, - title = {Energy-aware parallel task scheduling in a cluster}, - journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems}, - volume = {29}, - number = {7}, - pages = {1661–1670}, - year = {2013} - - } - -@INPROCEEDINGS{14, -author={Huang, S. and Feng, W.}, -booktitle={Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2009. CCGRID '09. 9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on}, -title={Energy-Efficient Cluster Computing via Accurate Workload Characterization}, -year={2009}, -month={May}, -pages={68-75}, -keywords={parallel processing;power aware computing;workstation clusters;cluster computer;eco-friendly daemon;energy consumption reduction;energy-efficient cluster computing;power consumption reduction;processor stall cycles;workload characterization;Application software;Clustering algorithms;Energy consumption;Energy efficiency;Frequency;Grid computing;Hardware;High performance computing;Runtime;Voltage}, -doi={10.1109/CCGRID.2009.88} -} - - - -@inproceedings{16, - author = {Zong, Ziliang and Qin, Xiao and Ruan, Xiaojun and Bellam, Kiranmai and Nijim, Mais and Alghamdi, Mohamed}, - title = {Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Parallel Applications Running on Heterogeneous Clusters}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Parallel Processing}, - series = {ICPP '07}, - year = {2007}, - isbn = {0-7695-2933-X}, - pages = {19--}, - doi = {10.1109/ICPP.2007.39}, - acmid = {1306033}, - publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, - address = {Washington, DC, USA} -} - - - -@INPROCEEDINGS{18, -author={Dong Li and De Supinski, B.R. and Schulz, M. and Cameron, K. and Nikolopoulos, D.S.}, -booktitle={Parallel Distributed Processing (IPDPS), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on}, -title={Hybrid MPI/OpenMP power-aware computing}, -year={2010}, -month={April}, -pages={1-12}, -keywords={message passing;parallel algorithms;power aware computing;HPC environment;dynamic concurrency throttling;dynamic voltage-and-frequency scaling;high performance computing;hybrid MPI-OpenMP computing;hybrid programming models;large-scale distributed systems;message passing interface;parallel programs;power-aware computing;power-aware performance prediction model;Concurrent computing;Discrete cosine transforms;Dynamic programming;Dynamic voltage scaling;Frequency;Heuristic algorithms;Large-scale systems;Multicore processing;Power system modeling;Predictive models;MPI;OpenMP;performance modeling;power-aware high -performance computing}, -doi={10.1109/IPDPS.2010.5470463}, -ISSN={1530-2075} -} - - - - - -@inproceedings{20, - author = {Springer, Robert and Lowenthal, David K. and Rountree, Barry and Freeh, Vincent W.}, - title = {Minimizing Execution Time in {MPI} Programs on an Energy-constrained, Power-scalable Cluster}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming}, - series = {PPoPP '06}, - year = {2006}, - isbn = {1-59593-189-9}, - location = {New York, New York, USA}, - pages = {230--238}, - numpages = {9}, - doi = {10.1145/1122971.1123006}, - acmid = {1123006}, - publisher = {ACM}, - address = {New York, NY, USA}, - keywords = {MPI, energy, modeling, power, prediction} -} - -@inproceedings{21, - added-at = {2011-12-01T00:00:00.000+0100}, - author = {Rauber, Thomas and Rünger, Gudula}, - booktitle = {SpringSim (CNS)}, - crossref = {conf/springsim/2011-3}, - editor = {Abhari, Abdolreza}, - pages = {11-18}, - publisher = {SCS/ACM}, - title = {Modeling the energy consumption for concurrent executions of parallel tasks}, - year = {2011} -} - -@inproceedings{22, - author = {Ge, Rong and Feng, Xizhou and Cameron, Kirk W.}, - title = {Performance-constrained Distributed DVS Scheduling for Scientific Applications on Power-aware Clusters}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2005 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing}, - series = {SC '05}, - year = {2005}, - isbn = {1-59593-061-2}, - pages = {34--}, - doi = {10.1109/SC.2005.57}, - acmid = {1105799}, - publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, - address = {Washington, DC, USA} -} - - -@inproceedings{23, - author = {Feng, Xizhou and Ge, Rong and Cameron, Kirk W.}, - title = {Power and Energy Profiling of Scientific Applications on Distributed Systems}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'05) - Papers - Volume 01}, - series = {IPDPS '05}, - year = {2005}, - isbn = {0-7695-2312-9}, - pages = {34--}, - doi = {10.1109/IPDPS.2005.346}, - acmid = {1054376}, - publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, - address = {Washington, DC, USA} -} - -@inproceedings{24, - added-at = {2009-11-27T00:00:00.000+0100}, - author = {Chen, Yen-Jun and Hsu, Ching-Hsien and Li, Kuan-Ching and Chang, Hsi-Ya and Wang, Shuen-Tai}, - booktitle = {Infoscale}, - crossref = {conf/infoscale/2009}, - date = {2009-11-27}, - description = {dblp}, - editor = {Mueller, Peter and Cao, Jian-Nong and Wang, Cho-Li}, - ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-10485-5_8}, - interhash = {d191ac30e6c4bd27288ffdf9e6d0e815}, - intrahash = {4601b8a777bdf956bb48fa611b7556f5}, - isbn = {978-3-642-10484-8}, - keywords = {dblp}, - pages = {108-120}, - publisher = {Springer}, - series = {Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering}, - timestamp = {2009-11-27T00:00:00.000+0100}, - title = {Power Consumption Optimization of {MPI} Programs on Multi-core Clusters.}, - volume = {18}, - year = {2009} -} - -@inproceedings{25, - author = {Laurenzano, Michael A. and Meswani, Mitesh and Carrington, Laura and Snavely, Allan and Tikir, Mustafa M. and Poole, Stephen}, - title = {Reducing Energy Usage with Memory and Computation-aware Dynamic Frequency Scaling}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Parallel Processing - Volume Part I}, - series = {Euro-Par'11}, - year = {2011}, - isbn = {978-3-642-23399-9}, - location = {Bordeaux, France}, - pages = {79--90}, - numpages = {12}, - acmid = {2033356}, - publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, - address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, - keywords = {benchmarking, dynamic voltage frequency scaling, energy optimization, high performance computing, memory latency} -} - - - -@article{27, - author = {Dhiman, Gaurav and Rosing, Tajana \v{S}imunic}, - title = {System-level Power Management Using Online Learning}, - journal = {Trans. Comp.-Aided Des. Integ. Cir. Sys.}, - issue_date = {May 2009}, - volume = {28}, - number = {5}, - month = may, - year = {2009}, - issn = {0278-0070}, - pages = {676--689}, - numpages = {14}, - doi = {10.1109/TCAD.2009.2015740}, - acmid = {1656937}, - publisher = {IEEE Press}, - address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA}, - keywords = {Dynamic voltage frequency scaling, dynamic voltage frequency scaling, energy-performance trade-off, online learning, power management} -} - -@INPROCEEDINGS{28, -author={Yongpan Liu and Huazhong Yang and Dick, R.P. and Hui Wang and Li Shang}, -booktitle={Quality Electronic Design, 2007. ISQED '07. 8th International Symposium on}, -title={Thermal vs Energy Optimization for {DVFS}-Enabled Processors in Embedded Systems}, -year={2007}, -month={March}, -pages={204-209}, -keywords={circuit optimisation;embedded systems;integrated circuit design;low-power electronics;microprocessor chips;nonlinear programming;thermal management (packaging);DVFS-enabled processors;application peak temperature;cooling costs;dynamic voltage voltage;embedded systems;energy consumption;frequency scaling;nonlinear programming;power optimization;run-time thermal emergencies;system thermal profile;thermal optimization;thermal-constrained energy optimization;Cooling;Cost function;Design optimization;Dynamic voltage scaling;Embedded system;Energy consumption;Frequency;Power system planning;Runtime;Temperature}, -doi={10.1109/ISQED.2007.158} -} - - - -@INPROCEEDINGS{30, -author={Lizhe Wang and von Laszewski, G. and Dayal, J. and Fugang Wang}, -booktitle={Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on}, -title={Towards Energy Aware Scheduling for Precedence Constrained Parallel Tasks in a Cluster with {DVFS}}, -year={2010}, -month={May}, -pages={368-377}, -keywords={environmental factors;parallel processing;power aware computing;scheduling;workstation clusters;dynamic voltage frequency scaling technique;energy aware scheduling heuristics;green service level agreement;high end computing;precedence constrained parallel tasks;Computational modeling;Concurrent computing;Costs;Dynamic voltage scaling;Energy consumption;Frequency;Grid computing;High performance computing;Power engineering computing;Processor scheduling;Cluster Computing;Green Computing;Task Scheduling}, -doi={10.1109/CCGRID.2010.19} -} - -@article{31, -author = {Yu-Liang Chou and Shaoshan Liu and Eui-Young Chung and Jean-Luc Gaudiot}, -title = {An Energy and Performance Efficient {DVFS} Scheme for Irregular Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms on the {Intel SCC}}, -journal ={IEEE Computer Architecture Letters}, -volume = {99}, -number = {RapidPosts}, -issn = {1556-6056}, -year = {2013}, -pages = {1}, -doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/L-CA.2013.1}, -publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, -address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA} -} - -@article{32, -title = "Energy-aware simulation with \{DVFS\} ", -journal = "Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory ", -volume = "39", -number = "0", -pages = "76 - 91", -year = "2013", -note = "S.I.Energy efficiency in grids and clouds ", -issn = "1569-190X", -doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.simpat.2013.04.007", -author = {Tom Guérout and Thierry Monteil and Georges Da Costa and Rodrigo Neves Calheiros and Rajkumar Buyya and Mihai Alexandru} - -} - -@INPROCEEDINGS{33, -author={Kappiah, N. and Freeh, Vincent W. and Lowenthal, D.K.}, -booktitle={Supercomputing, 2005. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE SC 2005 Conference}, -title={Just In Time Dynamic Voltage Scaling: Exploiting Inter-Node Slack to Save Energy in {MPI} Programs}, -year={2005}, -month={Nov}, -pages={33-33}, -keywords={Computer science;Dynamic voltage scaling;Energy consumption;Energy efficiency;Frequency;Gears;Jitter;Microprocessors;Performance loss;Permission}, -doi={10.1109/SC.2005.39} -} - - - -@article{35, -title = "Adaptive energy-efficient scheduling algorithm for parallel tasks on homogeneous clusters ", -journal = "Journal of Network and Computer Applications ", -volume = "", -number = "0", -pages = " - ", -year = "2013", -note = "", -issn = "1084-8045", -doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2013.10.009", -author = {Wei Liu and Wei Du and Jing Chen and Wei Wang and GuoSun Zeng} - -} - - - - - -@inproceedings{38, - author = {Cochran, Ryan and Hankendi, Can and Coskun, Ayse K. and Reda, Sherief}, - title = {Pack \& Cap: Adaptive {DVFS} and Thread Packing Under Power Caps}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 44th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture}, - series = {MICRO-44}, - year = {2011}, - isbn = {978-1-4503-1053-6}, - location = {Porto Alegre, Brazil}, - pages = {175--185}, - numpages = {11}, - doi = {10.1145/2155620.2155641}, - acmid = {2155641}, - publisher = {ACM}, - address = {NY, USA} -} - - - -@inproceedings{40, - author = {Azevedo, A. and Issenin, I. and Cornea, R. and Gupta, R. and Dutt, N. and Veidenbaum, A. and Nicolau, A.}, - title = {Profile-Based Dynamic Voltage Scheduling Using Program Checkpoints}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe}, - series = {DATE '02}, - year = {2002}, - isbn = {0-7695-1471-5}, - pages = {168-175}, - acmid = {874373}, - publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, - address = {Washington, DC, USA} -} - -@inproceedings{41, - author = {Miftakhutdinov, Rustam and Ebrahimi, Eiman and Patt, Yale N.}, - title = {Predicting Performance Impact of {DVFS} for Realistic Memory Systems}, - booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2012 45th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture}, - series = {MICRO-45}, - year = {2012}, - isbn = {978-0-7695-4924-8}, - location = {Vancouver, B.C., CANADA}, - pages = {155--165}, - numpages = {11}, - doi = {10.1109/MICRO.2012.23}, - acmid = {2457493}, - publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, - address = {Washington, DC, USA} -} - -@ARTICLE{42, -author={Dhiman, G. and Rosing, T.S.}, -journal={Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on}, -title={System-Level Power Management Using Online Learning}, -year={2009}, -month={May}, -volume={28}, -number={5}, -pages={676-689}, -keywords={power aware computing;DPM policies;Intel PXA27x core;device leakage characteristics;dynamic power management;dynamic voltage-frequency scaling problems;hard disk drive;online learning;system-level power management;workload characterization;Dynamic voltage frequency scaling;energy-performance trade-off;online learning;power management}, -doi={10.1109/TCAD.2009.2015740}, -ISSN={0278-0070} -} - -@MISC{43, - title = {{TOP500 Supercomputers Sites.} [online], http://www.top500.org }, -} - -@MISC{SimGrid.org, - title = {{SimGrid: Versatile Simulation of Distributed Systems.} - [online], http://simgrid.org}, -} - - - - - - @book{ref1, author = {El-Rewini, Hesham and Abd-El-Barr, Mostafa}, title = {Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)}, @@ -485,6 +69,11 @@ ISSN={0278-0070} address = {San Francisco, CA, USA} } + +@MISC{ref8, + title = {{CPU} Frequency Scaling. [online], https://wiki.archlinux.org } +} + @book{ref9, title={Understanding Moore's Law: Four Decades of Innovation}, author={Brock, D.C. and Moore, G.E.}, @@ -1231,4 +820,305 @@ year={2014} numpages = {8}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA} -} \ No newline at end of file +} + + +@article{ref79, +year={2014}, +issn={0920-8542}, +journal={The Journal of Supercomputing}, +volume={70}, +number={3}, +title={Energy measurement, modeling, and prediction for processors with frequency scaling}, +publisher={Springer US}, +author={Rauber, Thomas and Rünger, Gudula and Schwind, Michael and Xu, Haibin and Melzner, Simon}, +pages={1451-1476} +} + + +@article{ref80, +year={2015}, +journal={Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences}, +eid={28}, +volume={5}, +number={1}, +title={An energy-delay product study on chip multi-processors for variable stage pipelining}, +publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, +author={Saravanan, Vijayalakshmi and Anpalagan, Alagan and Woungang, Isaac} +} + + +@INPROCEEDINGS{ref81, +author={Jian Chen and John, L.K.}, +booktitle={Workload Characterization, 2008. IISWC 2008. IEEE International Symposium on}, +title={Energy-aware application scheduling on a heterogeneous multi-core system}, +year={2008}, +pages={5-13}, +month={Sept} +} + +@incollection{ref82, +year={2006}, +isbn={978-3-540-68039-0}, +booktitle={High Performance Computing - HiPC 2006}, +volume={4297}, +editor={Robert, Yves and Parashar, Manish and Badrinath, Ramamurthy and Prasanna, ViktorK.}, +title={Exploring Energy-Performance Trade-Offs for Heterogeneous Interconnect Clustered VLIW Processors}, +publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, +author={Nagpal, Rahul and Srikant, Y.N.}, +pages={497-508} +} + +@inproceedings{ref83, + TITLE = {{Energy aware clouds scheduling using anti-load balancing algorithm : EACAB}}, + AUTHOR = {Thiam, Cheikhou and Da Costa, Georges and Pierson, Jean-Marc}, + BOOKTITLE = {{3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2014)}}, + ADDRESS = {Barcelona, Spain}, + PAGES = {pp. 82-89}, + YEAR = {2014}, + MONTH = {April} + } + + +@INPROCEEDINGS{ref84, +author={Da Costa, G. and Gelas, J.-P. and Georgiou, Y. and Lefevre, L. and Orgerie, A.-C. and Pierson, J. and Richard, O. and Sharma, K.}, +booktitle={Parallel Distributed Processing, 2009. IPDPS 2009. IEEE International Symposium on}, +title={The GREEN-NET framework: Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems}, +year={2009}, +pages={1-8}, +month={May} +} + +@INPROCEEDINGS{ref85, +author={Orgerie, A.-C. and Lefevre, L. and Gelas, J.-P.}, +booktitle={Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2008. 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