with each new generation of microprocessors the users of the sequential applications have believed that these applications run faster over them.
Nowadays, this idea is no longer valid because the recent release of the microprocessors have many computing units embedded in one chip and these programs are only run over one computing unit sequentially.
Consequently, traditional applications have not improved their performance a lot over the new architectures, whereas the new applications run faster over them in a parallel. The parallel application is executed over all available computing units at the same time to improve its performance. Furthermore, the concurrency revolution has been referred to the drastically improvement in the performance of new applications side by side to new parallel architectures \cite{ref51}. Therefore, parallel applications and parallel architectures are closely tied together. It is hard to think about any of parallel applications without thinking of the parallel hardware executed them.
with each new generation of microprocessors the users of the sequential applications have believed that these applications run faster over them.
Nowadays, this idea is no longer valid because the recent release of the microprocessors have many computing units embedded in one chip and these programs are only run over one computing unit sequentially.
Consequently, traditional applications have not improved their performance a lot over the new architectures, whereas the new applications run faster over them in a parallel. The parallel application is executed over all available computing units at the same time to improve its performance. Furthermore, the concurrency revolution has been referred to the drastically improvement in the performance of new applications side by side to new parallel architectures \cite{ref51}. Therefore, parallel applications and parallel architectures are closely tied together. It is hard to think about any of parallel applications without thinking of the parallel hardware executed them.