1 %% Use the standard UP-methodology class
2 %% with French language and Book layout.
4 %% Change the 'book' option below to 'report'
5 %% if you want to use a report style (see your LaTeX
6 %% documention about the different between a report
9 %% You may also specify 'twoside' or 'oneside' option.
10 %% By default 'book' is two-sided and 'report' is one-sided.
12 %% See the documentation tex-upmethodology on
13 %% http://www.arakhne.org/tex-upmethodology/
14 %% for details about the macros that are provided by the class and
15 %% to obtain the list of the packages that are already included.
16 %\documentclass[french,book,nopubpage,nodocumentinfo]{upmethodology-document}
18 %\documentclass[french,book,nopubpage,nodocumentinfo]{spimufcphdthesis}
19 \documentclass[english, book,nopubpage,nodocumentinfo]{spimufcphdthesis}
20 %%--------------------
21 \usepackage[acronym,smallcaps]{glossaries}
22 \newcommand{\abbrlabel}[1]{\makebox[2cm][l]{\textbf{#1}\ \dotfill}}
23 \newenvironment{abbreviations}{\begin{list}{}{\renewcommand{\makelabel}{\abbrlabel}}}{\end{list}}
25 \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
26 \usepackage{enumerate}
27 \usepackage[english]{babel}
29 %\usepackage{graphicx}
34 \usepackage[section]{placeins}
37 \def\setgrouptext#1{\gdef\grouptext{#1}}
38 \newenvironment{groupeditems}{\begin{displaymath}\left.\vbox\bgroup\setgrouptext}{%
39 \egroup\right\rbrace\hbox{\grouptext}\end{displaymath}}
41 \newcommand*\rot{\rotatebox{90}}
42 \newcommand*\OK{\ding{51}}
44 \newcommand{\mcrot}[4]{\multicolumn{#1}{#2}{\rlap{\rotatebox{#3}{#4}~}}}
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49 \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}#1@{}}%
56 %%--------------------
57 %% Use the style dedicated to PhD thesis from SPIM-UFC
58 \UseExtension{spimufcphdthesis}
61 %%--------------------
62 %% Set the title, subtitle, defense date, and
63 %% the registration number of the PhD thesis.
64 %% The optional parameter is the subtitle of the PhD thesis.
65 %% The first mandatory parameter is the title of the PhD thesis.
66 %% The second mandatory parameter is the date of the PhD defense.
67 %% The third mandatory parameter is the reference number given by the University Library after the PhD defense.
68 %%\declarethesis[Sous-titre]{Titre}{17 septembre 2012}{XXX}
69 \declarethesis{Distributed Coverage Optimization Techniques for Improving Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks}{30 September 2015}{2015930}
72 %%--------------------
73 %% Set the author of the PhD thesis
74 %%\addauthor[email]{Prénom}{Nom}
75 \addauthor[aidness.ali@univ-fcomte.fr]{Ali Kadhum}{IDREES}
78 %%--------------------
79 %% Add a member of the jury
80 %% \addjury{Firstname}{Lastname}{Role in the jury}{Position}
81 \addjury{x1}{y1}{Examiner}{Professor at University of}
82 \addjury{x2}{y2}{Examiner}{Professor at University of}
83 \addjury{x3}{y3}{Examiner}{Professor at University of}
84 %\addjury{x4}{y4}{Examiner}{Professor at University of}
85 \addjury{Raphaël}{Couturier}{Supervisor}{Professor at University of Franche-Comt\'e}
86 \addjury{Karine}{Deschinkel}{Co-Supervisor}{Assistant Prof. at University of Franche-Comt\'e}
87 \addjury{Michel}{Salomon}{Co-Supervisor}{Assistant Prof. at University of Franche-Comt\'e}
93 %%--------------------
94 %% Set the English abstract
95 \thesisabstract[english]{
96 In this dissertation, we focus on the area coverage problem, energy-efficiency is also the foremost requirement. We have considered distributed optimization protocols with the ultimate objective of prolonging the network lifetime. To address this problem, this dissertation proposes two-step approaches. Firstly, the sensing field is divided into smaller subregions using the concept of divide-and-conquer method. Secondly, one of our proposed distributed optimization protocols is distributed and applied on the sensor nodes in each subregion so as to optimize the coverage and the lifetime performances. Three coverage optimization protocols are proposed, They combine two efficient techniques: leader election for each subregion, followed by an optimization-based planning of sensor activity scheduling for each subregion. Extensive simulations are conducted using the discrete event simulator OMNeT++ to validate the efficiency of each of our proposed protocols. We refer to the characteristics of a Medusa II sensor for the energy consumption and the time computation. In comparison with two other existing methods, our protocols are able to increase the WSN lifetime and provide improved coverage performance.
99 \thesiskeywords[english]{ Wireless Sensor Networks, Area Coverage, Network Lifetime, Distributed Optimization, Scheduling.}
102 %%--------------------
103 %% Set the French abstract
104 \thesisabstract[french]{
105 Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressé au problème de la zone de couverture ainsi qu'à l'efficacité énergétique qui est une exigence essentielle dans un réseau de capteurs sans fil. Nous avons étudié des protocoles d'optimisation distribués avec l'objectif ultime de prolonger la durée de vie du réseau. Pour résoudre le problème, nous avons proposé de nouvelles approches en deux phases. Dans un premier temps, la région à surveiller est divisée en petites sous-régions en utilisant le concept de la méthode diviser pour mieux régner. Ensuite, l'un de nos protocoles d'optimisation distribués est exécuté par chaque n\oe ud capteur dans chaque sous-région, afin d'optimiser la couverture et la durée de vie du réseau. Nous proposons trois protocoles distribués qui combinent, chacun, deux techniques efficaces: l'élection d'un n\oe ud leader dans chaque sous-région, suivie par la mise en oeuvre par celui-ci d'un processus de décision via l'optimisation de l'ordonnancement d'activité des n\oe uds capteurs de sa sous-région. Nous avons effectué plusieurs simulations en utilisant le simulateur à évènements discrets OMNeT++ pour valider l'efficacité de nos protocoles proposés. Nous avons pris en considération les caractéristiques d'un capteur Medusa II pour la consommation d'énergie et le temps de calcul. En comparaison avec deux autres méthodes existantes, nos protocoles ont la capacité d'augmenter la durée de vie du réseau de capteurs et d'améliorer les performances de couverture.
109 \thesiskeywords[french]{Réseaux de capteurs sans fil, Zone de couverture, Durée de vie du réseau, Optimisation distribué, Ordonnancement. }
112 %%--------------------
113 %% Change the speciality of the PhD thesis
114 %\Set{speciality}{Informatique}
117 %%--------------------
118 %% Change the institution
119 %\Set{universityname}{Universit\'e de Technologie de Belfort-Montb\'eliard}
122 %%--------------------
123 %% Change the header and the foot of the pages
137 %%--------------------
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148 %\usepackage{changemargin}
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152 \usepackage{algorithmic}
153 \usepackage[ruled,english,boxed,linesnumbered]{algorithm2e}
154 \usepackage[english]{algorithme}
155 \usepackage{subfigure}
156 \usepackage{listings}
159 %%--------------------
161 %\usepackage{moreverb}
163 %%--------------------
165 %\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts}
166 %\usepackage{amssymb}
167 %\newcommand{\scalprod}[2]%
168 %{\ensuremath{\langle #1 \, , #2 \rangle}}
172 %\font\largefont=yinitas % fontes yinit
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179 %\usepackage{oldgerm}
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185 \usepackage{multirow}