-%%RC these parameters are realistic?
-%% maybe we can increase the field and sensing range. 5mfor Rs it seems very small... what do the other good papers consider ?
-\caption{Relevant parameters for network initializing.}
-% title of Table
-% used for centering table
-% centered columns (4 columns)
- \hline
-%inserts double horizontal lines
-Parameter & Value \\ [0.5ex]
-%Case & Strategy (with Two Leaders) & Strategy (with One Leader) & Simple Heuristic \\ [0.5ex]
-% inserts table
-% inserts single horizontal line
-Sensing field size & $(50 \times 25)~m^2 $ \\
-% inserting body of the table
-Network size & 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250~nodes \\
-Initial energy & 500-700~joules \\
-Sensing time for one round & 60 Minutes \\
-$E_{th}$ & 36 Joules\\
-$R_s$ & 5~m \\
-$W_{\Theta}$ & 1 \\
-% [1ex] adds vertical space
-$W_{U}$ & $|P|^2$
-%inserts single line
-% is used to refer this table in the text
-Our protocol is declined into four versions: MuDiLCO-1, MuDiLCO-3, MuDiLCO-5, and MuDiLCO-7, corresponding respectively to $T=1,3,5,7$ ($T$ the number of rounds in one sensing period). In the following, we will make comparisons with two other methods. The first method, called DESK and proposed by \cite{DESK}, is a fully distributed coverage algorithm. The second method is called
-GAF~\cite{GAF}, consists in dividing the region into fixed squares.
-During the decision phase, in each square, one sensor is then chosen to remain active during the sensing phase time.
-Some preliminary experiments were performed in chapter 4 to study the choice of the number of subregions which subdivides the sensing field, considering different network
-sizes. They show that as the number of subregions increases, so does the network
-lifetime. Moreover, it makes the MuDiLCO protocol more robust against random
-network disconnection due to node failures. However, too many subdivisions
-reduce the advantage of the optimization. In fact, there is a balance between
-the benefit from the optimization and the execution time needed to solve
-it. Therefore, we have set the number of subregions to 16 rather than 32.
-We used the modeling language and the optimization solver which are mentioned in chapter 4, section \ref{ch4:sec:04:02}. In addition, we employed an energy consumption model, which is presented in chapter 4, section \ref{ch4:sec:04:03}.
-%The initial energy of each node is randomly set in the interval $[500;700]$. A sensor node will not participate in the next round if its remaining energy is less than $E_{th}=36~\mbox{Joules}$, the minimum energy needed for the node to stay alive during one round. This value has been computed by multiplying the energy consumed in active state (9.72 mW) by the time in second for one round (3600 seconds). According to the interval of initial energy, a sensor may be alive during at most 20 rounds.
+Our protocol is declined into four versions: MuDiLCO-1, MuDiLCO-3, MuDiLCO-5, and MuDiLCO-7, corresponding respectively to $T=1,3,5,7$ ($T$ the number of rounds in one sensing period). In the following, we will make comparisons with three other methods. DESK \cite{DESK}, GAF~\cite{GAF}, and DiLCO~\cite{Idrees2}, where MuDiLCO-1 is similar to DiLCO.
+%Some preliminary experiments were performed in chapter 4 to study the choice of the number of subregions which subdivides the sensing field, considering different network sizes. They show that as the number of subregions increases, so does the network lifetime. Moreover, it makes the MuDiLCO protocol more robust against random network disconnection due to node failures. However, too many subdivisions reduce the advantage of the optimization. In fact, there is a balance between the benefit from the optimization and the execution time needed to solve it. Therefore,
+We set the number of subregions to 16 rather than 32 as explained in section \ref{ch4:sec:04:05}.
+We use the modeling language and the optimization solver which are mentioned in section \ref{ch4:sec:04:02}.
+%In addition, the energy consumption model is presented in chapter 4, section \ref{ch4:sec:04:03}.