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+ title={Maximize lifetime of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks with joint coverage and connectivity requirement},
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+ booktitle={Scalable Computing and Communications; Eighth International Conference on Embedded Computing, 2009. SCALCOM-EMBEDDEDCOM'09. International Conference on},
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+ title={A review on localization in wireless sensor networks},
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+ booktitle={Advances in signal processing and intelligent recognition systems},
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+ title={Localization techniques in wireless sensor networks},
+ author={Alrajeh, Nabil Ali and Bashir, Maryam and Shams, Bilal},
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+ title={UREA: Uncovered region exploration algorithm for reorganization of mobile sensor nodes to maximize coverage},
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+ title={Mobility improves coverage of sensor networks},
+ author={Liu, Benyuan and Brass, Peter and Dousse, Olivier and Nain, Philippe and Towsley, Don},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the 6th ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing},
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