+ title={Scheduling sleeping nodes in high density cluster-based sensor networks},
+ author={Deng, Jing and Han, Yunghsiang S and Heinzelman, Wendi B and Varshney, Pramod K},
+ journal={Mobile Networks and Applications},
+ volume={10},
+ number={6},
+ pages={825--835},
+ year={2005},
+ publisher={Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.}
+ title={A coverage-preserving node scheduling scheme for large wireless sensor networks},
+ author={Tian, Di and Georganas, Nicolas D},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Wireless sensor networks and applications},
+ pages={32--41},
+ year={2002},
+ organization={ACM}
+ title={Energy-efficient target coverage in wireless sensor networks},
+ author={Cardei, Mihaela and Thai, My T and Li, Yingshu and Wu, Weili},
+ booktitle={INFOCOM 2005. 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Proceedings IEEE},
+ volume={3},
+ pages={1976--1984},
+ year={2005},
+ organization={IEEE}
+ title={Maintaining sensing coverage and connectivity in large sensor networks},
+ author={Zhang, Honghai and Hou, Jennifer C},
+ journal={Ad Hoc \& Sensor Wireless Networks},
+ volume={1},
+ number={1-2},
+ pages={89--124},
+ year={2005},
+ publisher={vol}
+ title={Lightweight deployment-aware scheduling for wireless sensor networks},
+ author={Wu, Kui and Gao, Yong and Li, Fulu and Xiao, Yang},
+ journal={Mobile networks and applications},
+ volume={10},
+ number={6},
+ pages={837--852},
+ year={2005},
+ publisher={Springer}
+ title={Redundancy and coverage detection in sensor networks},
+ author={C{\u{a}}rbunar, Bogdan and Grama, Ananth and Vitek, Jan and C{\u{a}}rbunar, Octavian},
+ journal={ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN)},
+ volume={2},
+ number={1},
+ pages={94--128},
+ year={2006},
+ publisher={ACM}
+ title={On sensor network lifetime and data distortion},
+ author={Kansal, Aman and Ramamoorthy, Aditya and Srivastava, Mani B and Pottie, Gregory J},
+ booktitle={Information Theory, 2005. ISIT 2005. Proceedings. International Symposium on},
+ pages={6--10},
+ year={2005},
+ organization={IEEE}
+ title={On the lifetime analysis of always-on wireless sensor network applications},
+ author={Kumar, Santosh and Arora, Anish and Lai, Ten-Hwang},
+ booktitle={Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems Conference, 2005. IEEE International Conference on},
+ pages={3--pp},
+ year={2005},
+ organization={IEEE}
+ title={Design Guidelines for Maximizing Lifetime and Avoiding Energy Holes in Sensor Networks with Uniform Distribution and Uniform Reporting.},
+ author={Olariu, Stephan and Stojmenovic, Ivan},
+ booktitle={INFOCOM},
+ pages={1--12},
+ year={2006}
+ title={Lifetime analysis of reliable wireless sensor networks},
+ author={Baydere, Sebnem and Safkan, Yasar and Durmaz, Ozlem},
+ journal={IEICE transactions on communications},
+ volume={88},
+ number={6},
+ pages={2465--2472},
+ year={2005},
+ publisher={The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers}
+ title={Mostly-sleeping wireless sensor networks: connectivity,
+k-coverage, and alpha-lifetime.},
+ author={MO, W. and QIAO, D. and WANG, Z.},
+ booktitle={In Proceedings of the the 43rd Annual Allerton Conference on
+Communication, Control, and Computing},
+ pages={1--12},
+ year={2005}
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