\chapter*{abbreviations \markboth{abbreviations}{abbreviations}}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}
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\item[GUI] Graphical User Interface
\item[NED] NEtwork Description
\item[ns-2] Network Simulator-2
-\item[OPNET] Optimized Network Engineering tool
+\item[OPNET] Optimized Network Engineering Tool
\item[GloMoSim] Global Mobile System Simulator
\item[SENSE] Sensor Network Simulator and Emulator
\item[GTSNetS] Georgia Tech Sensor Network Simulator
\item[GNU] GNU's Not Unix
+\item[LP] Linear Programming
\item[GLPK] GNU Linear Programming Kit
\item[MPS] Mathematical Programming System
-\item[COIN-OR] Linear Programming
+\item[COIN-OR] COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research
\item[BCP] Branch Cut and Price
\item[CBC] COIN-OR Branch and Cut
\item[OPL] Optimization Programming Language
\item[CR] Coverage Ratio
\item[EC] Energy Consumption
\item[ASR] Active Sensors Ratio