-\indent According to the above definitions for network lifetime, there is no universal definition to reflect the requirements of each application and the effects of the environment. In real WSN, the network lifetime reflects a set of a particular circumstances of the environment. Accordingly, the current definitions are applicable for the WSNs that meet a particular conditions. However, many more parameters, which are affecting on the network lifetime of WSN such as~\cite{ref92}: heterogeneity, node mobility, topology changes, application characteristics, quality of service, and completeness.
+\indent According to the above definitions for network lifetime, there is no universal definition to reflect the requirements of each application and the effects of the environment. In real WSN, the network lifetime reflects a set of a particular circumstances of the environment.
+%Accordingly, the current definitions are applicable for the WSNs that meet a particular conditions.
+Many parameters are affecting the network lifetime should be taken into account~\cite{ref92}: heterogeneity, node mobility, topology changes, application characteristics, quality of service, and completeness.