% Defense message
+\Set{defensemessage}{Dissertation Committee:}
-{\huge \textbf{Distributed Optimization Techniques for Improving Lifetime of Wireless Networks}} \\[.5cm]
+{\huge \textbf{Distributed Coverage Optimization Techniques for Improving Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks}} \\[.5cm]
{\large By}\\[.5cm]%
{\huge Ali Kadhum IDREES}\\[.5cm]%
-{\Large Dissertation Submitted to the} \\[.5cm]
+{\Large A Dissertation Submitted to the} \\[.5cm]
{\Large University of Franche-Comt\'e} \\[.5cm]
-{\Large In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements}\\[.5cm]
-{\Large For the Ph.D. Degree in}\\[.5cm]
-{\Large Computer Science}\\[.5cm]
+{\Large in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of}\\[.5cm]
+{\Large DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY}\\[.5cm]
+{\Large in Computer Science}\\[.5cm]